Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkins, possums, and pregnant...

Although our blog doesn't show it, we've been keeping busy these past few weeks.

1. Pumpkins

Last weekend we went with our friends to the pumpkin patch. We took a hay ride to pick our pumpkins, watched a cheesy magic show, and the kids jumped on bouncy things. Good times were had by all.

Of course, it was no Roloff Farms, but Tony has been told he looks like Zack Roloff before. So.......maybe it's like I have a piece of Roloff Farms with me wherever I go. :)

2. Possums

We have had several encounters with these henious beasts lately. On the way to the pumpkin patch we saw roadkill possum making the craziest face I've ever seen roadkill make. Anthony captured its essence well in this photo:

Later that same night we went for a walk and ran into one. At first I thought it was a cat, but cats are so much more stealthy and possums have such unmistakable beady eyes. If I believed in or was in charge of reincarnation, I'm pretty sure I'd make really vain and mean people be reborn as possums.

Anthony told me that whenever he thinks about possums he thinks about Gator Possum, some cartoon charachter in a movie he and his sisters used to watch when they were young. Maybe he'll blog about it someday.

3. Pregnant

Our son is getting bigger every day. And stronger. With all the kicks and movements I've been feeling lately I wouldn't be suprised if he busts himself out soon. Although I think I still have enough tone left in my ab muscles to keep him in for a few more weeks. That's right, we're down to 52 days until his due date. We may or may not have a paper chain. Here I am in all my 32.71 weeks (that's 32 weeks, 5 days) glory.


Laura said...

Funness. Love the alliteration in the title. Possums are wacked. I'd definitely have mean people reincarnated as possums. You're lookin good! I'm excited to see you in real life at Thanksgiving. Hopefully Thomas J doesn't pull a Renesmee if ya know what I mean :)

Melanie said...

i loved tony's reenactment of the roadkill. i laughed out loud at that one. you are the cutest pregnant girl ever! i'm excited to see you at thanksgiving!
and laura, what is pulling a renesmee? i don't know what you mean...

Anonymous said...

You're looking good and on the homestretch! I love the pumpkin fun in the fall.

Carrie said...

Melanie: To "pull a Renesmee" is reference to the Twilight series. In order to avoid spoiling the plot for others who have yet to read all four books, let me (or Laura) know if you would like one of us to explain it to you.

Gloria said...

How fun to go to a Pumpkin patch!! And you look sooo cute! I love your little basketball! He'll be here in no time at all!! AND possums are GROSS. We had one fall in our pool in California one time and it was nasty!

D said...

Looking good, Johns. Keep up the good work.

Rich's ScrapBlog said...

I love reading your posts. You guys have such great senses of humor. I have never seen a possom before. Scary! You look SO DARLING!!!!! You little body was made to have babies. I am so excited for you. :) Have you picked out a name yet? I was totally thinking of Renesmee when you said your baby might tear out of there. LOL

Meredith said...

I hate possums. I had one that lived in my backyard in L.A. and we would have a staring contest some nights through the sliding glass doors. He always won.
Oh Gator Possum and Pack Bat...the ultimate bad guys from sylvanian animals.
Where did you get the picture of Anthony with his hand on his chin...lookin' smart. I hope you attach that to resumes.

Carly said...

Anthony = full-sized Zack Roloff. We both laughed at this. I have recently discovered that my mom = full-sized Amy Roloff.

Oh, and a hungry Gator Possum is an angry Gator Possum!

Tina said...

Who are Amy & Zack Roloff? I'm afraid that my "notwithitness" is showing here.

The Diggins Family said...

Ahh! The thought of pulling a Renesmee, or rather having one pulled on you, is very scary!! Your feelings about possums echo mine about racoons. Our trip to the pumpkin patch was a little crazy this year - Cami pretty much just tried to escape from us in the patch for about an hour, over & over again. Glad to see we are both looking and feeling very round - it will be great when these little ones come one out, though I guess we will feel a new level of tired then! Not too far to go now!

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

We had an opossum in our garage once. We named it Wanda. Emily did not like it AT ALL.

Julie said...

Ok I feel so stupid-I had no idea you were preg! Congrats-I'm so excited for you guys! I've been the worst blogger lately so I'm out of the loop on a lot of things! Good luck!

Melissa said...

You gotta love a good pumpkin patch! I love hunting for pumpkins. Besides Christmas trees, it's the only hunting I do! BTW, you are so cute pregnant! I love your little belly. Good luck with the possums!

marquita chiquita said...

Ahhh, Carrie, you look so beautiful! And you are absolutely hilarious....I think mean and/or vain people should be reincarnated as possums too. haha! YOu're almost there with the pregnancy! yay!

Michelle C said...

He does not look like a rolof! lol you look so great. I love the comment about the paper chain. how fun!