1. Pumpkins
Last weekend we went with our friends to the pumpkin patch. We took a hay ride to pick our pumpkins, watched a cheesy magic show, and the kids jumped on bouncy things. Good times were had by all.

Of course, it was no Roloff Farms, but Tony has been told he looks like Zack Roloff before. So.......maybe it's like I have a piece of Roloff Farms with me wherever I go. :)

We have had several encounters with these henious beasts lately. On the way to the pumpkin patch we saw roadkill possum making the craziest face I've ever seen roadkill make. Anthony captured its essence well in this photo:
Later that same night we went for a walk and ran into one. At first I thought it was a cat, but cats are so much more stealthy and possums have such unmistakable beady eyes. If I believed in or was in charge of reincarnation, I'm pretty sure I'd make really vain and mean people be reborn as possums.

Anthony told me that whenever he thinks about possums he thinks about Gator Possum, some cartoon charachter in a movie he and his sisters used to watch when they were young. Maybe he'll blog about it someday.

3. Pregnant