Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkins, possums, and pregnant...

Although our blog doesn't show it, we've been keeping busy these past few weeks.

1. Pumpkins

Last weekend we went with our friends to the pumpkin patch. We took a hay ride to pick our pumpkins, watched a cheesy magic show, and the kids jumped on bouncy things. Good times were had by all.

Of course, it was no Roloff Farms, but Tony has been told he looks like Zack Roloff before. So.......maybe it's like I have a piece of Roloff Farms with me wherever I go. :)

2. Possums

We have had several encounters with these henious beasts lately. On the way to the pumpkin patch we saw roadkill possum making the craziest face I've ever seen roadkill make. Anthony captured its essence well in this photo:

Later that same night we went for a walk and ran into one. At first I thought it was a cat, but cats are so much more stealthy and possums have such unmistakable beady eyes. If I believed in or was in charge of reincarnation, I'm pretty sure I'd make really vain and mean people be reborn as possums.

Anthony told me that whenever he thinks about possums he thinks about Gator Possum, some cartoon charachter in a movie he and his sisters used to watch when they were young. Maybe he'll blog about it someday.

3. Pregnant

Our son is getting bigger every day. And stronger. With all the kicks and movements I've been feeling lately I wouldn't be suprised if he busts himself out soon. Although I think I still have enough tone left in my ab muscles to keep him in for a few more weeks. That's right, we're down to 52 days until his due date. We may or may not have a paper chain. Here I am in all my 32.71 weeks (that's 32 weeks, 5 days) glory.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walking on Sunshine

A few months ago the wellness coordinator at my work was recruiting people to participate in the St. John's Sunshine Run. At the time, it sounded like a great idea--it would be a good motivator to help me stay in shape during my last few months of pregnancy. Fast forward 10 weeks and give or take 15 pounds (not to mention a 30 degree drop in temperature). I had no idea how hard it would be to walk 3 miles without experiencing serious distress of the bladder. Luckily Anthony and some ladies from work agreed to walk with me.

It ended up not being that bad. A definite high-light was the end of the race--as you crossed the finish line they announced your name over the PA system for all to hear. It was fun, but I look forward to future walks pushing our son in a stroller instead of carrying him on top of my bladder. After the race we celebrated the way any pregnant woman would want to--with delicious food. Now...time for a nap!

**Shout out to Laura and Mom who did the JDRF walk in KC this morning too!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Recent happenings

We've spent some time in Kansas City the past two weekends hanging out (me) and helping my dad paint the house (Anthony). To reward us (Anthony) for our (his) hard work my dad got us tickets to see the Red Sox play the Royals when they were in town last week. It was hard for me to sit still due to my expanding waistline putting pressure on my ribs. We walked around the stadium and found some photo-ops.
The Royals lost. Anthony sang "Sweet Caroline." It was a fun night. Here is a picture of Anthony painting. He pays such attention to detail. Laura and I did lots of baking while the men painted. We made 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting, and pumpkin snickerdoodles. I should have taken pictures of the treats while they lasted, it's too late now. And that is most likely the reason I gained as much weight in the last two weeks as I did the month before.

Here is me at 28.5 weeks: