Friday, November 7, 2008


We've been tagged by our good friends, Melissa and Brandon.

I know you are all dying to know more about us, so we happily obliged.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to talk about ourselves. :)

6 Questions Tag:

1. Six places I go often: work, Missouri State, the gym, church, Wal-Mart, and the library.

2. Six people who email regularly: This just makes me feel bad because I don't get many regular emails. Clearly I need to be better about staying in touch with my friends and family.

3. Six of my favorite resteraunts: Cielito Lindo, Olive Garden, Macaroni Grill, Ruby Tuesday, Red Robin, and Papa Murphy’s (does that count?).

4. Six places I would rather be right now: Laying by the pool, getting a massage, going on a shopping spree, visiting family and friends, or on an extended vacation. But really, I do like to just relax at home (which is where I am at right now).

5. Six TV shows I like to watch: Cash Cab, Jeopardy, Law and Order, The Office, Unwrapped (Food Network), and The Soup.

6. Six people I TAG: Jill, Emily, Laura, Carrie, Candace, and anyone else that wants to share a part of themselves with the blog-o-sphere.

6 Quirks:

1. I hate getting into an unmade bed. It really bothers me when the sheets seem “wrinkly” or bunched, so if the bed didn’t get made in the morning, I will make right before we get in.

2. I like to keep records/make lists. I can tell you what we had for dinner on almost every given day this past year. I can tell you what days I went to the gym, forgot to read my scriptures, bought gas (and at what price), or did laundry. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten more thorough.

3. I blow my nose kind of loud. I don’t mean to. I just never mastered doing it in a quiet way.

4. I am really concerned about getting salmonella poisoning from chicken. Whenever I am preparing chicken, I always make Anthony check to make sure it is cooked through.

5. I love melted cheese. I often make restaurant choices based on what kind of cheese dip they have.

6. I love to tease people and push buttons to get reactions. For example, my dad drives a SUV and I like to give him a hard time about his “carbon footprint.” Tony is a die hard Red Sox fan and I like to point out Yankees players that some might find attractive.


Carrie said...

You do blow your nose loudly! Reading this post made me smile :), and The Soup is such a guilty pleasure.

Emily said...

I'm kind of embarassed for you that you watch cash cab. But then again, I'm kind of embarassed that I even know what show that is.

Jill said...

You do blow your nose loudly. And reading this made me want to watch Cash Cab. I've only seen 5 minutes of it once, but it seems like I might love it a little bit.

D said...

You enjoy pushing other people's buttons, eh? Funny, because yours are pushed so easily. Which I love. And we're trying to figure out a time to visit the beautiful state of Missouri, your home. If only Jill wasn't always so busy.

Robert Brandon Henderson said...

I loved reading your tag and way cute family pic! I was cracking up about the bed being made thing and the lists. You always did that! I remember thinking that you would write the lists just to decorate the pages with your cute handwriting. You would draw allover them! I had no idea you were and unwrapped fan - I love it. Tell Tony, I'm so sorry for him being picked last in elementary recess games. Sounds like some serious scarring. Thanks for doing the tags. We miss you guys.