Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have always disliked tag

I have never liked the game of tag, and so I was very reticent to participate in this blog tag. It is probably because I was and still am a very slow for how small I am. I remember my own father asking me to "unhook the piano" I was clearly carrying with me to first base during one of many little league ground outs.

But then again I did not like any sort of recess games. Recess games were always a big deal, and thus everybody knew that I was not good at them. When I was little our school was being renovated so we of the Mary Lee Burbank school shared recesses in first grade with Daniel Butler kids and then in 2nd and 3rd grade with Roger Wellington school
kids. There was always intense rivalries in playground kickball, soccer, and football. I remember being consistently picked near the end. Those were some tough times, but then again, I was a bit of a social idiot in elementary school.

So that's why I have always hated tag, and so I apologize for being so slow to respond.

6 Questions Tag:

1. Six places I go often: Hill Hall (Missouri State psychology building), MSU Center for Assessment and Instructional Support (graduate assistantship), Spherion Staffing Services (my job), church, and the left side of our loveseat (where I use my computer to do HW and use the internet)

2. Six people who email regularly: I email my boss every day to let her know I am at work and she responds. I email myself often research articles and nerdy sport statistic spreadsheets that I have made. My grandmother, Rosemary Fletcher, has emailed me for almost 10 years and when I was on my mission she printed out her emails and sent them to me. My mother has followed in her mother's footsteps and emails every week, but she has put her own original stamp on her family letter. Facebook, blogs, and graduate school have ended what email habits I used to have.

3. Six of my favorite restaurants: Logan's Roadhouse, Cielito Lindo, Papa Murphy's, Hickock's, Red Robin, and Tucano's

4. Six places I would rather be right now: in bed, Sportscenter anchor desk hosting sporscenter, Turku, Finland (especially if it was Christmas time there), Helsinki, Finland, Rome, and London.

5. Six TV shows I like to watch: Sportscenter, Seinfeld, Cash Cab (it makes me feel smart), The Presidents or The States specials on the History Channel, the Office, and Most Extreme Challenge or America's Funniest Home Videos with Carly in the room because she laughs hysterically when she's sees other people get hurt, which makes me laugh.

6. Six people I TAG: Anyone who feels ths need.

6 Quirks:

1. I have annoying hairs at the end of my nose. I do not think anyone else can see them very well unless they get very close to my face and they are looking for them, but I hate them all the same. I have been picking at them for years. When I get nervous I will rub and pick at them so much until I have a big red spot at the tip of my nose.

2. I hate the feeling of dry glass in my hands. Sometimes if I feel like a glass is feeling too dry I will run the outside of it under water before using it to drink something. It gives me the heebi-jeebies.

3. I never learned to tie my shoes right. I started strong, but I never progressed to what Carrie has told me is the "adult" way to tie my shoes. This explains why i lost every tying-the-shoes-relay-race in elementary schoo. That, and the piano I was carrying when I ran back then.

4. I can sleep anywhere at anytime. Airplane, strange place, subway train, it does not matter.

5. I can get so energized/competitive at things that my body shakes from the catylcholamine levels - the chemical that is released during "flight or flight" moments - especially if I feel slighted or severely disrespected.

6. I am a rule nazi. For example, if people cut me in line I have a tendency to immediately do whatever I can to humiliate the cutters so that they learn their lesson. Punishment does not work unless you do it immediately. Otherwise you are wasting your time.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture =)

Jill said...

I'm not exactly sure why, but something about the image of you pulling a piano to first base just made me laugh out loud in the middle of the law library, where it is actually quiet right now.
And then the second mention of the piano brought renewed barely stifled laughter.
Also, remember when everyone was waiting in line to get tickets to the Utah game and a group of girls walked up to the front of the line, and you booed passionately? And remember how that was me? I wasn't cutting in line. Therefore, I felt no shame.

Tina said...

I love the new picture on your blog. Where was that taken? You look like two little kids just enjoying yourselves. I'm glad that you like my emails, and that I put "my own stamp" on them. Very kind to differentiate between mine and Grammie's.

Anonymous said...

I saw this, but I'm tagging you for another. Tag! You don't have to do it...

Anonymous said...

PS~What a way cute, cool pic of you two!

Meredith said...

So I was reading along, and then I was surprised to read that Carrie's dad also yelled "unhook the piano" at his slow children. Weird, and then I realized Anthony had done a tag survey - I don't know if I have ever read a tag written by a male author. I enjoyed them both. I am sad that you guys are no longer here in Provo to help maintain order in the lines. There is a serious cutting problem and Carly and I can't do it alone.

Rhandi said...

Ha! Hilarious!! I love the one about line cutters! That drives me INSANE!

Anonymous said...

It was so much fun! Are you watching the midnight show?