Sunday, July 27, 2008

We are all stubborn fools

Carrie and I recently re-watched all of the Harry Potter movies. They are all good. I was reminded of how I resisted the allure of Potter-mania for years. I saw the movies, but only with my family because my tix were paid for, though I liked them. I never read the books until one fateful drive from Provo to Overland Park, Kansas, when I got to spend time with the Cranes in America's Heartland when we were recently engaged. We listened to the third book, Prizoner of Azkaban, and it was riveting. When we got home before it was over I had to listen to the rest of the cassette tapes in Carrie's kitchen. I have since read all of the books after the third, but still not the first two.

Why was I so slow on the uptake with Harry? They are fabulous books. Everyone that read them told me that they were wonderful. And yet I resisted. I think I am a stubborn idiot.

I am like the native Tasmanian people, the famously "most backward" people in the whole world. They were cut off from the world when water levels rose and cut off Tasmania from mainland Australia. Not only did their culture not "progress" according to western standards, but it digressed, losing the technologies they had already been exposed to. Americans choose to resist good ideas sometimes as well, though with less debilitating results. We stubbornly stick to our ineffecient QWERTY keyboard. It was designed so that all the letters that are used most often are placed far apart so that old-school typewriters would not get jammed. Other designs for keyboards have been designed and produced, but we resist. It is pretty silly, right up there with resisting the metric system.

But I do it all the time. I still have not seen all of Titanic. I made a decision a long time ago that I would never see the movie. Why? I do not know. I think I was bothered by all the attention the movie was getting, and I decided to have an unneededly strong opinion about it. I think a couple of times I have said that I thought the movie was dumb, but how would I know. I have not seen it. Maybe some psychologist would say that I resist the Titanic because I am getting some reward the reinforces that behavior, but I can't think of what I am getting. I have watched scores of other cheesy, "girl-movies", and liked more than I publicly admit, so what is the problem with Titanic.

I think I need to listen to others better and learn from their opinions. Perhaps then I would stop needlessly punishing myself by withholding my participation in activities, movies, books, etc. that are good. I need to seek after things that are "of good report", and those opinions come from others. This post is way too long because I am waiting for Carrie to be ready for bed.


D said...

Would you say that you love punishment because you are full of hatred? I would. Just go ahead and watch Titanic and it will set you free. It's very good. Some minor issues with historicity, but otherwise quality. And let's just call a spade a spade: Leo is a stone cold fox.

Carrie said...

Wow Tony - getting pretty deep there :). I actually would say I agree with you on both counts (or at least the old you). It's easy to do what everyone is doing because everyone thinks it's so great - look at the Barack Obama situation. I am still resisting the Harry Potter thing for reasons of my own. I saw Titanic, but have no compelling need to see it again. Mostly I don't think you have to accept the "take the bad wit the good" in some things, especially entertainment. So go ahead, be you, even if it is stubborn. I guess this mentality says something about me...

Jill said...

yeah, i don't know why people resist Harry Potter. I have another friend who did the same thing you did, and now that she has caved, she loves them. Why? Because they're GOOD. I can relate a little bit though. I am resisting the Twilight series. Difference is, they are not as good. What is good: Titanic. And I'm right with Darren: I love Leo, and I cannot deny it.

Sarah Oman said...

I held out with the books too. I finally read them and loved them. Now try the Twilight series!

Anonymous said...

OK, so Titanic is really good. Let's watch it when you and Carrie come up in a few days, eh?? It really is a classic love story. It beats any chick flick out there.

And Harry Potter. is. so. amazing.

I tend to be stubborn too about certain things. Like MySpace. I refused to get one just because everyone else had one. And I thought they looked stupid. I also (up until my senior year in high school) refused to see any of the star wars movies. but then i saw them, and i liked them. (liked, not loved).

Oh, and I still refuse to use lame text abbreviations. Lolz!! idk, my bff jill?

i cant w8 4 u 2 b here! xoxoxoxo! lolz!

Daniel and Carly said...

he's a witch. burn him.

Laura said...

I'm like you about Titanic. I've seen most of it, but I'm still not so sure how I feel about it. People always say it's so amazing so I guess I need to give it a fair chance and watch it with an open mind. I am stubborn about a lot of other things too. Like some music, and singers and actors/actresses I refuse to like because everyone else does.
However, Harry Potter is amazing! I'm glad you read them!