Saturday, July 12, 2008

They rang his bell

It's been a rough week for TJ. During our 4th of July Festivities he got hit in the leg with an errant firework which has left a nice hairless circle on the front of his left leg. We tried to take a picture of it, but the pictures didn't really do it justice and Anthony doesn't want people to get jealous of his nice legs, so sorry no picture. Thursday evening he went and played basketball at the church and got an elbow to the jaw for his defensive efforts. At first he just seemed to have a headache, but when he couldn't get up the next morning, felt dizzy and nauseous, deleted important files at work, had difficulty making coherent statements, and was strangely aggressive, we determined he was, in fact, concussed.

Other than Anthony's maladies we've actually had a rather uneventful week. Finishing my retirement planning class (yay!) and taking my first long run in awhile (8.5 miles) with Stephanie were the highlights of my week.

On the docket for next week are a trip to Celebration City and checking out some local areas of interest so we can entice people to come visit us.


Carrie said...

Oh sad! Peaches had a rough week too as he was hit by a car. Hope you're feeling better Tony!

Dixie & Markus said...

Hey you two! I found your blog via your facebook page, Carrie. Good to see you have one! I think it's a requirement after you get married or something. I hope there isn't any permanent damage to Anthony's head:) Scary.
Let's be blog buddies:

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Hey Cuz and Carrie, It took me the entire post to realize that TJ was Anthony. I kept thinking maybe he was a cat or something. You two have a pretty sweet blog.