Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flashing Back

Our lives have been boringly busy lately with the end of semester so close. Because of that, and in honor of Anthony's current favorite reality show High School Reunion on TV-Land, I decided to scan in a few of our senior pictures. The reason I wasn't smiling in my picture was because I still had braces--my stupid orthodontist wouldn't let me get them off until a few weeks after the yearbooks final deadline for pictures. Not that I'm bitter. When I first scanned these in I was trying to come up with nicknames to give us like they have on HSR, but I couldn't come up with anything good and I didn't think we fit any of the ones they have on the show. I can't decide if we've changed a lot since these pictures. What do you think?


Jilleen said...

I'd have to say, Yes you have changed. Older and wiser! I'm not so sure I would be brave enough to pull out my senior picture... just the thought of it makes me cringe. :)

Carrie said...

You guys look exactly the same - just kidding! I am happy to say you are both much improved - you look even hotter now :). I remember those particular senior pictures we took and how they were horrible on so many levels (no offense of course). I don't think I even gave any out...

Sarah Oman said...

I remember those days! I have to say that school pictures are like DL pictures. They don't count!

Anonymous said...

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Jill said...

haha. tony, you look so young!
um, guys, i have been sitting in a not particularly exciting meeting all morning and i really would have appreciated a new blog post to read. hint, hint.

marquita chiquita said...

Haha Carrie, you guys were so cute. You both have definitely changed for the better. I love it! I hate my senior picture.

Shelly said...

I think it is great to look back at old pictures. It is the videos that I am afraid of. My neices and nephew get a kick out of those. You are beautiful!