Thursday, April 10, 2008

Best Week Ever

Just a few of the things that have made this week a little better:KU won the National Championship! On top of that both of our brackets did really well, mine especially.I won our pool. My only regret is that money wasn't involved.The Office is back. I had forgotten why I used to look forward to Thursday nights. I was only disappointed Creed didn't get a little more screen time.
We got to see Ben Fold's perform at Missouri State. It was a really great show. Neither of us had been to a concert for awhile and we had a really good time.
We've kind of been living off the $5 Footlongs lately. We really try to not eat out that much, but splitting one of these has helped us make it through the day more than once...


Jill said...

is that a pic you took of ben? you were so close! agh, i'm still torn trying to decide if i can go or not. the choice would be much easier if tickets were as cheap here as they were for you guys.

Carrie said...

Congratulations on winning & I'm sure your secretly glad money wasn't involved so you don't have to feel guilty - maybe. Still, it's been an unbelievable year for sports.

And I personally was very disappointed in The Office this week. I mean they built it all up and after watching it twice, I still don't think it was that funny. Scary maybe (Jan), but not funny. I actually feel sorry for Michael - the thought of sleeping on a little bench at the end of the bed!