Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flashing Back

Our lives have been boringly busy lately with the end of semester so close. Because of that, and in honor of Anthony's current favorite reality show High School Reunion on TV-Land, I decided to scan in a few of our senior pictures. The reason I wasn't smiling in my picture was because I still had braces--my stupid orthodontist wouldn't let me get them off until a few weeks after the yearbooks final deadline for pictures. Not that I'm bitter. When I first scanned these in I was trying to come up with nicknames to give us like they have on HSR, but I couldn't come up with anything good and I didn't think we fit any of the ones they have on the show. I can't decide if we've changed a lot since these pictures. What do you think?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Best Week Ever

Just a few of the things that have made this week a little better:KU won the National Championship! On top of that both of our brackets did really well, mine especially.I won our pool. My only regret is that money wasn't involved.The Office is back. I had forgotten why I used to look forward to Thursday nights. I was only disappointed Creed didn't get a little more screen time.
We got to see Ben Fold's perform at Missouri State. It was a really great show. Neither of us had been to a concert for awhile and we had a really good time.
We've kind of been living off the $5 Footlongs lately. We really try to not eat out that much, but splitting one of these has helped us make it through the day more than once...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Do the bunny hop

We are up in the OP this weekend, taking a break from Springfield and enjoying time with my family. We lucked out and got to be a part of my very hilarious sister Melanie's Annual Easter Egg Hunt. She is graduating next month, so this hunt was her last hurrah. Accomodating as always, Anthony and I offered to be a part of the festivities. We both helped hide eggs, but Anthony really got into the spirit of things...he donned an Easter Bunny costume and entertained the kids by telling jokes and taking pictures with them. Here are some pictures from this afternoon:
With all the kids. If you look closely you can see they gave the bunny bunny-ears.

Enticing the kids to come sit with him and take an Easter picture by showing off his sweet moves.