August 18 |
We planned on blessing Miles in church when the Johns were in town but then our Stake had to schedule Stake Conference. We decided to bless him in our home that morning before church so Doug and Tina could get on the road. Anthony gave Miles a beautiful blessing. That evening Will and I went for a walk Sunday evening. Walks with Will are some of the most valuable time I get with him. He opens up more about things he is thinking and feelings he is having. We had a great talk Sunday night and I felt so grateful to have him as my oldest child. He is thoughtful and wise and tries so hard to be good. I am so grateful for each of my four children and the things they help me learn.
August 19 |
Monday night we went up to the park for the 4th grade kickoff. The three fourth grade teachers invited all the fourth graders and their families to the park to meet and greet the teachers and enjoy popsicles and games. Will spent most of his time playing wiffle ball, though he did manage to each a few treats. Lauren found a friend to play with and I talked mostly to boy moms. Anthony stayed home with our little boys.
August 20 |
Cub Scouts ended its summertime hiatus with a splash Tuesday night--water games and cookies for the boys and their families. It is a weird time to be involved in Cub Scouts, while the church is transitioning away from the program. When leaders move they aren't replaced and because most of the boys are not continuing on with other scout troops they are only working on supplemental badges. A few boys have stopped attending because they have joined school troops. The boys are also only meeting every other week. As a parent it is more convenient, but I know Will is disappointed. He loves playing basketball with his friends (especially Seth) when scouts is over and he is waiting for Tony to get done.
August 21 |
Elliott starting doing better with drop offs and participating in school as the week went on this week. After a very rough drop off on Monday (he kicked the principal!) we made a game plan for Tuesday. When I drop him off we squeeze hands three times to say "I love you!" Then if he goes in without a tantrum he gets a lollipop to eat in the van on the way home. His teacher takes pictures and posts them on the Seesaw app and we enjoy checking them out in the evening after school. They help facilitate better discussions about his day too, because I can ask better questions when I have a hint to what he's been up to.
August 22 |
On Thursday I got to live my best mini-van mom carpooling life and give Elliott's classmate Eliza and our neighbor Bennett a ride home from school. Elliott has taken a recent interest in 90s country--specifically Garth Brooks and the Dixie Chicks. We shared his "no tantrum" lollipops with his friends and rocked out on our way home.
August 23 |
The basement project is really coming along and I wanted to take a some pictures of the walls before the sheet rock was installed. The crew came over at 8:30am Saturday morning and got the entire basement covered that day. It is so exciting to see the progress!
August 24 |
My dad got tickets to go to the preseason Chiefs game Saturday evening and so Will and Anthony went to the game (along with my dad, Matt and Jake). Will and Uncle Matt are big Pat Mahomes fans and were glad they got to see him play, even though he only played in the first half and the Chiefs ended up losing the game.
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