Sunday, December 9, 2018

2018 :: week 50

December 2
Sunday was a long day. Anthony hasn't been feeling well for a while so he had a backlog of people to meet with before and after church. We had a full house in nursery and the couple that was supposed to help called in sick so we were shorthanded. We went to a friend's baptism immediately after church which made the day feel extra long. Luckily we were able to stop at Memaw's house for an hour before going home to watch the Christmas Devotional. Lauren and Tyler snuggled in Memaw's chair.

December 3
The entire family went up to OPC Monday night. Will and Tony had basketball practice and Lauren had her monthly Daisy meeting. There was a parent meeting regarding the upcoming cookie sales and so Elliott and I went as well. After the meeting we went back and forth between watching practice and helping at the Girl Scout meeting. Also a miracle, Lauren lost one of her gloves the week before Thanksgiving. We checked the lost and found but it wasn't there. Lauren was sad because she had prayed we would find it and was confidant we would, but it had been two weeks. When we went to check Monday night her glove was on the top of the HUGE pile. It was such a relief to find it (she loved the gloves) and not have to dig through the two large tubs of items.

December 4
We sometimes refer to our basement as Elliott's layer.

December 5
We had a rough week, sleep-wise. Between Anthony's never-ending respiratory virus, Lauren's bad dreams, Elliott's nighttime shenanigans, and me being pregnant, Will was the only one in our house getting any sleep. The worst part wasn't even the rough nights, but the terrible behavior during the day due to exhaustion. I spent much of the day researching ways to get better sleep and melatonin was one of them. Most of our issues are due to extenuating circumstances but I did buy some melatonin to keep our options open.

December 6
Elliott's buddy Kendall turned 3 on Thursday and we helped celebrate her birthday that night. The party was fun, and it always makes me smile when the kids descend upon the newly opened gifts, hoping to play with the new toys.

December 7
On Friday we pulled the kids out of school during their lunch hour and went to Tuba Christmas. Unlike previous years where the concert was held at the Kauffman Center, this year it was moved to the Municipal Auditorium. I assume it was moved to accommodate a larger ensemble as they were going for--and were successful in their attempt--the Guinness World Record for largest Tuba Ensamble. To achieve this they had to play a single piece over five minutes long, in this case they played "Silent Night." We had a fun time despite the fact that we had to walk several block in twenty degree temperatures to and from our van.

December 8
Another busy Saturday. Basketball game for Will, haircut for Lauren, lots of errands to run and yard work to accomplish. We took an hour to pack boxes of food for food insecure families in the area at the Harvesters shop inside the mall. For $10 a box you can put together the dry ingredients for a holiday meal that will be paired up with a ham and given to families in need. That night we had a babysitter come watch the kids so Anthony and I could go and see the Crimes of Grindewalk movie.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Busy week for you guys! I hope this week brings you all better sleep and better health!