May 12 |
We had a pretty quiet Mother's Day. I got to sleep in, then Anthony made me scrambled eggs, toast and a yogurt parfait for breakfast. At church the primary kids sang and Miles not only went up with the other kids, but he sang! Anthony bribed him beforehand and told Miles he would make him a dessert of his choice if he would sing. The kids did great! I was proud as both primary president and mom. I took a bit of a nap when we got home and then we went to my parents' house for dinner. I feel like I am entering a new phase in my "mom-ing." I am proud of the responsible, capable kids Anthony and I get to parent. But as they get older and more independent they need me less (while at the same time my own parents need me more). For the better part of the past fourteen years I have had at least one very young child around me most of the day that relied on me to meet many of their needs. In a few months Miles will be starting all-day kindergarten and my days of getting things done with a toddler in tow are over. I used to look forward to the kids bedtime as the beginning of some "me time," but now my older kids go to bed around the same time I do. Any time I get to myself is during the day while they are at school. I guess the point of all of this is to say that the only constant is change and I while intellectually I know that to be true, I think I am finally starting to really believe it.
May 13 |
Lauren and several of her friends walked to our house after school to play some knockout. It seems that basketball has become the activity of choice during recess for the 6th grade girls. Most of them have never played on a team before, and they are having fun learning how to dribble and shoot together.
May 14 |
Will's appetite has really grown this past year. Most nights between 9 and 10pm he starts jonesing for a snack. He often settles on either a huge bowl of applesauce, several ounces of cheddar cheese, or three slices of bread slathered with nutella. Sometimes he has more than one snack. But he always eats them while watching baseball on his phone.
May 15 |
Miles and I met Stephanie for lunch at Costco Wednesday. We've enjoyed many lunch dates at Costco over the years, and as the school year is coming to a close realized this might be the last one with just the three of us. Undoubtably we will meet up this summer, just with more kids. And when school starts up again Miles will be gone all day too.
May 16 |
Thursday after school Miles and I met Jill, Henry and Claire at Wonderscope and had a great time! It wasn't too crowded and the boys were able to play at most every exhibit.
May 17 |
Friday night the John family was spread out. Anthony took Will and the Benson twins to the Royals game. The boys paid for everything themselves--including Anthony's ticket!--with money they have earned mowing lawns this spring. Lauren spent the night at the Hagmans. Elliott had baseball practice, and Miles and I hung out at the park visiting with friends and playing. Afterwards we got McDonalds and paid a quick visit to Memaw and Pepaw. At bedtime Miles was sad and said he didn't like it when the whole family wasn't home together.
May 18 |
Saturday morning I went to a baby shower for my friend Amanda. I am so grateful to be part of such a great community of moms. I love them and their kids. In other news, Anthony worked on painting the wall in our bedroom and Will went to a four hour training at Bluejacket for his cashier job.
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