Sunday, March 24, 2024

2024 :: week 12


March 17
Sunday evening the boys enjoyed eating some mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert with Pepaw. You have to have green ice cream for dessert on St. Patrick's Day. 

March 18
Monday evening Will made these cinnamon sugar pull-aparts for dessert. He is taking a foods class this semester and seems to be enjoying himself. It has certainly increased his confidence in the kitchen and putting items in and out of the oven.  

March 19
Anthony and Will are participating in two fantasy baseball leagues this season, both of which are run by Darren H. and are populated with family members and friends from BYU. This is Will's third year doing the Yahoo! League, where teams are redrafted each year. It is Will's first year in the keeper league where managers can keep players on their roster over multiple seasons without redrafting them. Will inherited Randon's team because he stopped playing, so he's got his work cut out for him this season. I wasn't pleased when I found out that this draft started at 9pm on a school night. I'm not sure how late they were up, because I was in bed before they were done. 

March 20
Wednesday night we finalized our brackets. Will is so excited, he made a poster sized bracket for our wall. He also filled out several brackets--chalk, Ken Pom picks from 10 years ago, best logo, etc. Lauren's team name is "Lavendar Haze," and has a lot riding on Marquette. Elliott's picks, "ElliottRule$" picked Houston to win it all. "Miles' Picks," were heavily influenced by going to two BYU Big 12 tournament games last week, because he picked BYU to run the board. Like Will and Elliott, I picked Houston to win too. Tony went with UCONN and will probably beat us all because he has decades of knowledge cataloged in his brain from caring about NCAA basketball the entire season (as opposed to March only like me) under his belt. May the best guesses win!

March 21
Will taking his obligatory "dunk" on the way in to his piano lessons.

March 22
When I woke up on Friday I was tired. I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. It was overcast, a little cold, and sitting on the couch watching shows with Miles sounded awfully appealing. Sometimes that is the right answer, but I knew that I would be annoyed with myself if that is how we spent our day. I texted Jill to see what they were up to and if they wanted to meet us at Science City. She was up for it, and we got there a few minutes after it opened at 10am. We had a really great time. It wasn't terribly crowded, so we were able to have fun and give the kids some autonomy and not stay glued to our sides. The skeeball game, indoor playground and slide, train kitchen and farm area were our favorites. Henry's day was made when we heard several trains go by while we played outside.

March 23
It is the lull between sports seasons, and we are enjoying some increased unscheduled time on Saturdays. In the morning Will went over the Bensons to hang out. That night they went to a stake youth activity together. In the afternoon Townes came over to play basketball with Elliott while Mikey came over to play with Miles. Anthony and I ran errands and worked on various to-dos around the house.

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