Sunday, December 3, 2023

2023 :: week 48

November 26
The storm hit the Midwest Saturday night, but driving conditions were fine on Sunday. We didn't even miss church because church got cancelled in our area due to the storm. We had a fairly uneventful drive home, arriving around 4pm.  Anthony and I listened to the American Scandal podcast seasons about Purdue Pharma and the Oklahoma City Bombing. We had such a great trip, but it felt pretty great sleeping in our own beds that night.

November 27
Monday was business as usual. Miles and I got the van cleaned and vacuumed after I picked him up from school. Usually we try to get the Tuesday deal, but Lauren requested we get it cleaned ASAP. We give Ella and Allie a ride to the Junior Raiders choir practice at SMS on Mondays, and Lauren was concerned the van would still be full of road trip detritus. 

November 28
This is not the first time I caught Snowy eating the pumpkins on our porch. I admitted defeat--it is almost December!--and moved the pumpkins to the base of our tree when I finally got around to doing leaf removal in our yard. Lots of leaves fell while we were gone.

November 29
Lauren has been busy making friendship bracelets to exchange with her friends. Many are Taylor Swift themed, but she also does sports themes, names, initials and the like. She crafts while I read. We are currently in the middle of The Vanderbeekers Ever After, the final Vanderbeekers book. We paused on our reading while we were in Utah, so it has been a little slow going. I have really enjoyed this series. My friend Sang and her daughter shared the first book with us when we were quarantined for covid back in early 2021. I am sad to see these books end, but this last one felt like it was a bit rushed and could have easily been fleshed out a bit into two books, but that's just my opinion.

November 30
Thursday night we went to the 1st and 2nd grade music program, "The Joy of Music." I preferred the way our previous music teacher did the programs, with each grade (K through 4) getting their own night. It does make for more evenings the music teacher has to be at school. But the gym is packed to standing room only and it is really hard to see your child unless you get there extremely early. Regardless, Elliott is always fun to watch. After the program the older kids went to mutual and I took the kids to my parent's so we could show them the video I took of Elliott's class singing. 

December 1
We take such wonderful photos. Friday night was NCCT's holiday event at the New Theatre Restaurant. The play this year was "Catch Me If You Can," starring Jim O'Heir of Parks & Rec fame. The play was enjoyable and Jim played a very different character than Jerry Gergich.

December 2
Saturday Elliott and company had their first indoor touch football class. When I failed to get Elliott signed up for fall baseball I decided we'd let him do football while it was cold. I recruited a few friends to sign up as well, and Elliott has been looking forward to this day for weeks!  To say he was amped would be an understatement. Elliott, Townes, Cole and Ian regularly play football at the park after school, but have no formal understanding on what constitutes to rules. Here's to hoping they learn a thing or two.

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