Monday, June 12, 2023

2023 :: week 23

Summer Week #3

June 4
Elliott has always been an excellent snuggler, especially when he isn't feeling great. He had a low-grade fever Saturday and woke up feeling sick Sunday morning. I stayed home with him while the rest of the family went to church. His fever broke not long after they left and then he was full of energy. I was expecting a quiet Sunday morning at home with him, and after we watched Sacrament Meeting we played game after game of Clue Jr., Eye Found It and Sleeping Queens. That evening we went to my parents house and Elliott brought the star blanket my mom gave him for Christmas a few years ago. 

June 5
Our mornings were busy this week! Will had basketball camp 9-12pm Monday through Thursday. Elliott and Miles had swimming lessons from 10-10:30am Monday through Thursday as well. Adding in Lauren's piano lessons from 10:30-11 on Tuesday and you've got one busy driver (mom). 

June 6
We stopped at Rosehill to pick up lunch on Tuesday after running errands and picking up kids. In the afternoon we met the Throssells at Bluejacket and then Kendall came over to play with Miles and Elliott and G&H walked to Target with Lauren and Will.

June 7

As busy as the mornings have been, it is nice to have a little more time in the morning for breakfast. 

June 8
Wouldn't it be nice to have the metabolism of a 13 year old boy? Will spent the week playing basketball for 3 hours in the morning, and then went to the pool for a few hours in the afternoon with friends. I love having having the pool so close now that my older kids are old enough to go themselves!

June 9
My book club went on it's first "field trip," to Ozarks this weekend. Our plan was to visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder House in Mansfield, eat lots of good food and have fun. We drove down in two cars, I rode in Janice's car with her and Alexa. Shortly after we arrived we went to Lamberts for an early dinner, which is always an experience. After dinner we headed back to our Airbnb and played the game Marrying Mr. Darcy, which was surprisingly fun. Then we tried out a clay mask, ate ice cream and watched a few episodes of Little House on the Prairie. No one wanted to stay up too late, so we went to bed. In the morning we went out to eat again, then headed to the house and museum. Though Laura Ingalls Wilder lived all over the Midwest, it wasn't until she was living here in Mansfield that she penned her stories. We spent a few hours visiting both the Farm House, Rock House and Visitor's Center before heading home. On the way back we listened to the audiobook Daddy Long Legs, which was quite amusing. It was a quick trip, and fun getaway with my friends. Pictured: Kate M, Sang M, Tami O, Allison B, Alexa, Janice, me

June 10
While I was in Springfield, the Hintons arrived. Each summer they make an annual pilgrimage to Mississippi to visit Liz's family and they make a stop at our house either on the way there or back. Anthony and Darren always enjoy catching up and enjoy talking about sports in a level of minutia few can appreciate (our boys definitely do!). I arrived home in time for dinner and insisted we take a picture of the kids as we were getting ready for bed. Miles was NOT excited to be in the picture.

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