Sunday, May 7, 2023

2023 :: week 18

April 30
I am currently obsessed with our lilac bush. It is in full bloom and so fragrant. You can even smell the lilacs in the front yard when there is a breeze. The bush is on the Southeast side of our house, next to the backyard fence.

May 1
It has really started to heat up in these parts, and the kids routinely request freezie pops when we get home from the park. I make them eat them outside in case they spill. Lauren and Miles have been spending a lot of time together in our backyard lately. It is fun to see them enjoy each other's company. A few times Lauren has walked home from the park and brought a batch of freezies and a pair of scissors back to the park to share with her friends. 

May 2

Lauren’s YW class learned how to make pasta from scratch at Sister Benson’s house Tuesday. Lauren had fun, but said she likes “regular” pasta better. Regular = Store bought 

May 3
Elliott, Miles, Blasie and Luke were talking about Dude Perfect nerf wars and the next thing I know the neighborhood boys were outside having a nerf war themselves. These four boys have had a lot of fun together this week.

May 4
Miles has gotten more adventurous with his climbing. He makes me nervous, but I think that is his calling in life. :)

May 5

Friday night Will camped with the YM at Shawnee Mission Park. As usual he had a great time. Will and a few of his buddies went exploring when they first arrived and again around midnight until the leaders made them go to bed. The boys saw some wildlife--a box turtle, wild turkeys and a copperhead snake. Will said it was the largest snake he'd ever seen in the wild. I am certainly glad I didn't know about it in real time. Will shared a tent with Nate and said after they went to bed they "had a feast." They ate fruit snacks, pop tarts, jellybeans, goldfish, gum, you know, just what you need at 1am. It was short campout with with minimal sleep. The turkeys woke the boys up at the crack of dawn in the morning, then they made breakfast and headed home.  

May 6

Tony won lottery seats to see Les Miseables at the Music Hall on Saturday evening. Because tickets to the Broadway Series plays are so pricy if there is a play we're interested in seeing I will enter the Lucky Seat Lottery. If you "win" you get the opportunity to buy 2 seats for $30-$40. When I enter the lottery I often enter for any showing that we could possibly make work to increase our odds, but this time we won seats to the showing that worked best for our family. I had a bit of a headache all day, and debated sending Will or Lauren with Anthony, but thanks to a long afternoon nap and prescription strength headache medicine I felt good enough to go. The play was wonderful and very moving. The actor who played Jean Valjean (Randy Jeter) at the performance we went to is an understudy and he was so good. He has an amazing voice. Apparently JVJ is such an exhausting role they often have the understudy do one the shows when there are multiple performances the same day. 

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