Sunday, February 12, 2023

2023 :: week 6


February 5
During Sacrament meeting Elliott made a list of his current favorite primary songs to sing, which is very similar to the list of songs we sing with the boys at bedtime. We rotate back and forth with Elliott and Miles getting to chose a primary song we sing together each night. "I Lived in Heaven," and "Gethsemane" are chosen the most frequently.

February 6
Lauren participates in an honor choir that meets weekly at the high school. Typically I drop her and a friend from our ward off at the school and his mom brings them home. However, next  week they will practice at Indian Woods, then sing the national anthem at the beginning of the boys basketball game that evening. 

February 7
This semester Will is taking P.E., which he really enjoys. Recently Will and his handball team came in first in the handball tournament. Phoebe and Landon are fellow OPC kids.

February 8
Even though skating was a big part of my childhood, I have done a poor job passing on the love of skating to my children. When both Lauren and Elliott wanted to go to the school skating party on Wednesday night I couldn't say no. Both kids endured some painful falls, but I was proud of them for getting back up again. I spent most of the night working with Elliott and by the end of the evening he was able to make it around the rink a few times without my help (still using the aid of the skate mate). I took a few laps around the rink myself which was a lot of fun. I think I might need to go skating more often this year. 

February 9
When I got up Thursday morning I had no idea it was a snow day. It wasn't until I got a text about needing to rearrange plans that I figured things out. Luckily we hadn't done too much to get ready for school yet and were able to have a relaxing morning. It rained overnight and the rain froze in the early hours of the morning, so the roads were very icy from approximately 5-9am. After that the sun came out and melted things rather quickly. Our school districts really should look into implementing late starts. Regardless, we had a fun "day off." We met up with some ward friends at the church for a Valentine's Party. Then we met the Throssells for lunch at the Costco food court. Then Kendall came over to play with Elliott and Miles, Will and Holden traded cards at Collectors Cache, and Lauren went shopping at Target and Old Navy with Gretchen and Stephanie. 

February 10
Everyone but Will had the day off from school Friday due to parent/teacher conferences. After I got home from visiting with Lauren's teacher Tyler came over to play for a bit. In the afternoon we spent some time with Memaw. Lauren and Will walked to Target together by themselves to buy some candy and soda.  In honor of Tyler's birthday, that evening we watched his basketball game.

February 11
Another busy Saturday. The day started off with two basketball games--Will's at 8am and Elliott's at 10am. Both boys enjoyed themselves, despite their teams coming up short. Elliott had a tough defensive assignment, he was matched up with a second grader a full head and shoulders taller than him. In the afternoon I made some cookies for a RS service project and Tony took Lauren to IKEA to pick up some new shelving for her bedroom. We spent the evening with my mom, eating stir fry and watching Star Wars

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