Sunday, September 18, 2022

2022 :: week 37

September 11
Our garden has really hit it's stride this week. Our tomato plants are starts we got from Dana and include a few new-to-me varieties. The big round tomatoes are pineapple tomatoes which are sweet and look like a pineapple once you cut into them. The pear tomatoes are yellow, shaped like a pear and taste a lot like cherry tomatoes.

September 12
Anthony says that Lauren is a relentlessly self-driven person and I would tend to agree with him. On Monday she came home with a library book about finger knitting. She found the book to be a bit lacking so she searched up some youtube tutorials on my phone and within half an hour, viola! She had figured it out and completed a chain stitch. In the process she realized she was more interested in crochet and started practicing that. I don't know how to do any of the above so I couldn't offer her any advice. Both have always been hard for me so I was pretty impressed.

September 13
Miles loves playing at the park after school with his buddy Gabriel. They like to play "ice cream shoppe" in this area under the play structure and pile up the wood chips. 

September 14
Miles likes to run to the corner and then tell everyone coming behind him--usually me--to "stop!" Occasionally his large hand gestures make drivers nervous, and they stop too. 

September 15
My dad got four tickets to the Chiefs / 49ers Thursday Night Football game from his work. He decided to take Matt, Tyler and Will and the four of them had a fantastic time. Will had a hard time falling asleep the night before he went because he was so excited about going, and he had a hard time falling to sleep the when he got home from the game because he had such a great time. Suffice it to say, Will's fandom has only grown after this experience.

September 16
While attempting to come home for lunch Anthony's car got stuck in reverse. He was able to utilize the emergency break, then watched some youtube videos and figured out how to put the transmission in park so he could turnit off. It turns out the bushing on the shift cable had worn out and popped off. It is a pretty small, relatively inexpensive part, but requires removing the center console. We tried to replace it with a bushing Anthony picked up at the Kia dealership, but it was too rigid to fit. We found a bushing online that was slightly more flexible, but took several days to get to us. My parents let us borrow my mom's van for a few days while we waited for the park. Once we got it Anthony was able to pop it right in. It was a good learning experience, and we imagine we saved a fair amount of money replacing it ourselves. However, there were several moments of serious frustration as we attempted to put the rigid bushing on to no avail.

September 17
Lauren and her Girl Scout troop spent the morning at KC Scraps making sock kits for the unhoused (socks stuffed with personal hygiene items and shelf stable snacks). Anthony and I had a disappointing day attempting to fix the Kia and then watching the BYU / Oregon game. That evening things got better when our friends the Moss family came over for Anthony's smashburgers and sauna. 

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