April 17 |
Easter Sunday was a little chilly this year. I made the kids take a quick picture before we left for church, and thankfully I did, because it rained off and on for the rest of the day. Church was more crowded than usual and I taught the Sunday School lesson for the last time. I spent a lot of time fretting about it during the week because I didn't feel inspired by the CFM source material. Nothing was wrong with it, per say, but our Sunday School is now meeting in the cultural hall. The size of the room is not conducive to good discussions. Also, people in the new ward are still getting to know each other better. Based on an "
Easter around the world" entry in the
Friend magazine I ended up asking people to share Easter traditions that are meaningful to them. Then we went over the timeline of the last 7-10 days of Christ's life and talked a bit about the significance of those events. I had planned to talk more about the Mary Magdalene Easter week study guide and Sharon Eubank's fabulous talk "
The Light that Shines in the Darkness," but we were short on time so we only touched on a few points. I closed the lesson with one of my favorite Easter messages,
Sunday Will Come. In the evening mh parents hosted a delicious Easter dinner followed by Memaw’s famous Easter Egg Hunts (she fills her eggs with quarters and candy).
April 18 |
A big 2022 goal for me is to serve and eat more vegetables. Miles cracked me up with how much ranch he was using on his cucumber slices.
March 19 |
We finally got to have our annual family egg hunt Tuesday night. As usual, Tony hid the eggs around the backyard. Tony and I make a good team, I buy the candy and fill the eggs, then he carefully hides them around the backyard. He is especially good at finding clever ways to camouflage the eggs. Later in the week Tony was amused to find two eggs the kids missed. I tried to get the eggs cleaned up and put away, but Miles found an empty egg that had rolled under the couch and was quite displeased that it was empty.
April 20 |
The OPC Huskies are back in action! Elliott had his first baseball game of the spring season Wednesday night. Miraculously the whole family was able to attend, who knows if we will all be able to make to another game this season. Highlights included Elliott making some great throws from third to first, Elliott's improved swing--straighter instead of up, and gratuitous sliding into home plate. Also of note, Elliott's new thing is giving a thumbs up in pictures.
April 20 |
Miles and I got a nice dose of Vitamin D Thursday. I cleaned up most of the leaves and debris that collected on the east side of our house over the winter. Leaves in this neighborhood are no joke. Miles drew on the driveway while I worked.
April 21 |
Thursday evening Miles spiked a 101 degree fever. When he woke up Friday morning he still had a mild fever, so we laid low. Anthony worked from home in the morning so I could run a few errands. I made soup for a friend who's family had recently come down with covid. Miles is usually busy climbing on furniture, playing baseball in the front room, jumping on the trampoline, sorting cards, or getting up to some sort of mischief. The whole day felt weird with him willingly taking naps and quietly watching shows.
April 22 |
Saturday was a busy sports day, bookended by 8am and 8:15pm games. Lauren and the Pink Thunder played in their first ever tournament. They lost their first game, but it was the toughest most cohesive game of soccer the girls have ever played. They played again at 1pm. That evening Will played in his first baseball game with his new team, the Pythons. It was a rough outing, where they also lost. Will is playing up, in a 7/8 grade league this year. Tony was a trooper and took the kids to all three games as the crazy wind gave me a headache. Sleep came easy that night.
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