March 27 |
Sunday evening Pepaw shared some of the swag he acquired at recent conferences with the grandkids. Think pens, notebooks, reusable bags and squishy animals. Pepaw gave Elliott this book mark thing that has fuzzy yellow hair because it reminded him of Elliott and his fuzzy yellow hair. This was a good reminder that Elliott is past due for a trim.
March 28
As we were walking out to our van after a trip to Hy-Vee I was struck again with the realization that I am phasing out of the little kid era of parenting. Miles gets so excited to ride in the car cart, but even Elliott is pretty ambivalent about them at this point. If I ever need a reminder that my kids are getting older I just look at my planner. Elliott has baseball practice at 5pm on Monday nights and Lauren has soccer practice at 6:30pm. And that's not our busiest night of the week. We also have piano, honor band, church youth activities, softball for Lauren and baseball for Will. I was visiting with a friend about how when my older kids were young my days felt so long and I looked forward to my evenings, when I could veg out and watch TV. I now have much more flexible time during the day and my evenings are usually dictated to me. I think I write about this a lot, but it is something that I think about almost every day. My life is so different now than it was five years ago and I am struggling to adjust mentally.
March 29 |
I didn't have to drive the honor band car pool this Tuesday, which meant extra time at the park after school. Elliott had a ball climbing and playing with his three best buddies--Nicholas, Cole and Ian.
March 30 |
This week I have finally started to get serious working on our 2021 photo book. In the evenings Anthony and I have been watching the American Crime Story
Impeachment while I work on formatting, downloading photos and putting the pieces together. I know there are more efficient ways to make family journals, but I like how my books look and so I am sticking with it for now. After we finished watching
Impeachment I relisted to the Slow Burn podcast about the same topic while I worked.
March 31 |
Miles now goes down slides! It has been a mystery to me that while he is very comfortable climbing quite high, he has generally avoided slides. Last week he went down the slide and I wondered if it was a fluke, but then he did it again when we met up with Fitz at the Lenexa Rec Center this week! We had to leave early because while we were there I got a call from the school nurse that Elliott had fallen asleep in class! He told his teacher and the nurse that his little brother had woken him up at 3am jumping on his bed. He's not lying, now that Miles is out of his crib he has turned into a nighttime terrorist. We picked Elliott up and let him nap for a bit.
April 1 |
It's the most wonderful time of the year for the John men. March madness and fantasy baseball drafts with opening day and the NBA playoffs around the corner, what could get better than that?! Friday evening Anthony and Will participated in a fantasy baseball draft. Anthony got them large soda's at McDonald's before the draft started, per tradition. Will is entering his second season as a fantasy baseball manager. We've lost count of the number of seasons Anthony has been a manager, but his involvement in fantasy sports predates his time as my significant other.
April 2 |
Saturday afternoon Lauren and Will participated in the Silfverberg Studio's Spring Recital. This recital is really a dress rehearsal for the Federation Festival competition next weekend. Both John kids performed well! Lauren was very stressed about her pieces beforehand, but played each one perfectly. The look of relief and accomplishment on her face as she walked back to her seat was worth every penny we've paid for lessons this past year.