March 20
Sunday marked the final day of the Overland Park 2nd Ward. That evening in a stake-wide meeting the Stake Presidency announced the new ward boundaries which more closely align with the area high school boundaries. Tony was officially released. Due to such major boundary changes many ward names changed. The former Overland Park 1st, Overland Park 2nd, Indian Creek and Lenexa Wards are now Overland Park, Oak Park, Woodland and Mill Creek Wards. We are now members of the Oak Park Ward and will continue to meet at the Allman building. Church felt a lot like high school graduation, as we said good bye to friends we still love but won't get to see as easily or as often.
March 21
Papa treated us to yummy dinner at Joe's KC Monday night. Dinner was delicious, me knocking over my nearly-empty water cup all over Papa's plate being a low-light. Besides being embarrassing to me and obnoxious to Papa, it also marked the fourth time the Johns spilled beverages at fast food establishments on this visit with Papa and Nana. TJ spilled Dr. Pepper at McDonald's, Elliott and Will spilled two cups of Sprite at Hardee's, Miles spilled chocolate milk at Chick-fil-A and now this! After dinner we went to the OPC open house. After not being in the school for two years it was extra fun for the kids to show off the school and their classrooms to their parents.
March 22 |
With the big kids at school Miles got some extra time alone with Nana and Papa. On Monday morning they walked with him to Target to buy some mints, a power cord and Goo Gone. The mints were a treat for Miles, but the power cord and Goo Gone were to help me with a few projects around the house. They helped us tame the mass of cords around our TV and clean some stickers in our basement. Miles and I drove them to the airport Tuesday at noon. It started to rain while we were driving. The rest of the day felt pretty blah. After the fact Tony told me he was under a tornado warning in New Orleans and had to leave his hotel room and shelter near the elevator. Everyone was really tired and I made everyone go to bed early. After Papa and Nana left it really fell like spring break was over.
March 23
Tony got back on Wednesday! Everyone got plenty of sleep for the first time in awhile and we enjoyed a quiet night together at home. Miles and Elliott got into a wrestling match on my lap while we were sitting on the couch together.
March 24 |
All three big kids got together with friends after school Thursday. Will had Knox over, Lauren had Daphne over and Elliott went to Nicholas' house. Lauren recently figured out how to use the preprogramed stitching on my sewing machine. She and Daphne cut Easter egg shapes out of felt and then "decorated" them with the fancy stitching. Anthony had a conference call with SMEs (subject matter experts) to work on item review from 5-9pm. Since he wasn't around at dinner time I went with simple and made quesadillas.
March 25 |
I spent several hours Friday working on the 2021 edition of the "John Journal." I got lazy with uploading our photos to my computer last year and my photos are woefully disorganized. I am now more resolved than ever to stay organized in 2022! Thank goodness for audiobooks and podcasts to listen to while I worked. The latest Maisie Dobbs book came out this week,
A Sunlit Weapon, and I enjoyed finishing that. Then I listened to
Presidential, a podcast that came out several years ago where each episode focuses on a specific president.
March 26
Anthony had to work 9am-1pm on Saturday, which wasn't that big a deal considering we have no spring sporting events scheduled for this weekend. Next week the busy season begins. Lauren is starts softball in addition to soccer, and Will and Elliott begin their baseball practices as well. We met the Wilsons at the park after dinner and visited while the kids played (and climbed all over each other). The sun was out, but it was colder than I expected, so we didn't stay too long.
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