Sunday, February 6, 2022

2022 :: week 5

January 30
Dana stopped by with a belated birthday gift for "the good bishop," as she refers to Anthony. She knows his vices well. We are only a few weeks in, but having church at 10:30am after a year of 12:30pm is wonderful. Our afternoons as so much more relaxed!
January 31
There's nothing like that fresh-from-the-dryer-softie-blanket feeling. Miles gets very excited when we pulled his fresh blankets out from the dryer. Actually, he gets pretty excited when we pull any of his clean clothes out from the dryer.

February 1
Meteorologists around the metro were forecasting a big winter storm would hit Tuesday night. I spent the day preparing for the potential snow day ahead. Miles and I ran a few errands, including a trip to the library where we picked up a Boss Baby movie that he has been requesting. We stopped at Home Depot to pick up a toilet fill valve for our basement toilet, and picked up an shovel too. We are inexplicably missing one of our shovels. We also filled up on gas and picked up an extra gallon of milk so our milk guzzler (Miles) could survive. While Miles took a nap that afternoon I did a quick cleaning in our garage. I swept out some debris and threw away a few things that had collected over the past few months. When the crew was working on our kitchen they kept a few tool in the garage and now that they are done we didn't have to have stuff quite so squished together. It feels good to have extra room to move around in there again. 

February 2
I got the text that school was cancelled around 7:30pm Tuesday night. All the districts in our area were closed Wednesday. Anthony's work is also cancelled when Blue Valley Schools close for inclement weather. It was nice to know ahead of time that school was cancelled so we could all sleep in, though no one really did besides me and Anthony, and we were both up and out of bed before 8am. We had a truly relaxing day. I read most of a book and lots of video games were played. In the afternoon the kids went sledding with the neighbors. Anthony took the big kids to piano in the afternoon and I shoveled the driveway. It was nice to veg out most of the day, but my body needed to move!

February 3
School was cancelled again on Thursday. It seems a bit of a stretch to me, but the kids already had Friday off for Parent Teacher conferences, so it wasn't a big surprise when the "no school" text came. We met the Wilsons at the OPC parking lot and went sledding at the hill between OPC and Holy Spirit. It isn't the best sledding hill in town, but it is great for our kids. We lasted about 30 minutes--it was very windy and the wind was cold!

February 4
Miles and I picked up a jumbo box of graham crackers while we were out shopping on Tuesday and suddenly graham crackers and milk have become the snack du jour at the John house. Good thing we picked up the extra milk!

February 5
The kids like to pile on Anthony. He is a fun dad and will usually wrestle upon request. Not related to the picture, but I made enchiladas for dinner on Saturday. The kids don't really like enchiladas, but Anthony and I do so I only make them about once a month. I told the kids they could use their own money to buy a hot dog from the concession stand at Will's basketball game if they didn't want to eat the enchiladas, and ALL THREE of the big kids chose to do that. Oh well, more for us. 

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