Sunday, January 23, 2022

2022 :: week 3

January 16

Sunday was Stake Conference. Between the freezing temperatures and omicron cases on the rise, we opted to watch from the cozy comfort of our basement. The visiting authority was an Elder Firmage who we discovered is second cousins with Anthony (both descendants of Harvey and Lorena Fletcher). 

January 17
We invited the McCalls over to sauna with us on Monday. Anthony was off work and the kids were out of school. We had to sauna in shifts because there were so many of us! Will and Chase got so hot they ran up to the school to play basketball. The younger kids ran around in the snow and a few attempted snow angels.

January 18
Our neighbor stopped by Tuesday afternoon to give me six boxes of mixed gummies. He works in a plant that had overstock and he wanted to share his extras with us. While I talked to him I felt a pang of guilt. In Stake Conference one of the speakers talked about not judging people, and I certainly have judged this neighbor in the past. 

January 19
Miles has been making this scrunchy-faced smile recently. He has so much personality! I have been going to the gym a few times a week. I love water aerobics and this gym is one of the only gyms in town that offers both aqua classes and child watch facilities. We usually go in the late morning to avoid big crowds.

January 20

Thursday night was "Back to the Woods," the night where 6th grade families across the SMS area visit the middle school. Students and their families are able to tour the middle school, attend a short presentation about what the middle school day looks like, and visit booths showcasing the extracurriculars available to 7th graders. I haven't been very excited at the prospect of Will leaving elementary school, but being at the middle school, amongst his peers from across the district I could see that it is going to be a great place for Will. 

January 21
Elliott had quite the cheering section at this game Friday night. He has eight games this seasons, all on Friday nights, from 5:15-6:15pm. Knox and Gunnar came to cheer for Elliott and Elliott loved the extra fans. The boys took videos of Elliott playing and sent them to other 6th graders. There is a very affordable snack bar at the games and our kids and their friends have enjoyed cheap candy. 

January 22
I made this cross-stitch for Dana and finally framed it. I wanted to make her a cross-stitch that reflected her personality and Dana loves to be outdoors, spade in hand, amongst plants. Every time I work outside with her she is pointing out the species of bird or butterfly, and the scientific names of plants. When she ran her own landscaping business it was called 'The Garden Guru.' It was a fun project for me. I used my Stitch People book to figure out the ratios on her figure, and looked online (mainly on Pinterest) to figure out the ratios of plants and birds. 

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