Sunday, December 19, 2021

2021 :: week 51

December 12
The little guys took baths before church, then Elliott read to Miles from one of our Christmas books. Miles likes the page talking about the angel Gabriel because one of his best buddies is named Gabriel. As I helped Miles get dressed I told him he looked handsome like dad and he said, "handsome like Elliott." It's no secret around here who Miles' favorite person is.
December 13
Monday was a productive day. After school I took the kids to get their second Covid shot. After dinner we headed to Crown Center to use the Giving Machines. Our church sponsors the Giving Machines and they place them in various metropolitan areas each year at Christmastime. This year they are in Kansas City and we wanted to take advantage. We bought several chickens, a space heater, healthy groceries and bus rides. 

December 14
We have had amazing weather recently, which means extra time at the park after school. Lauren and her friends did a "braid chain" that provided a perfect photo op for the moms who were busy chatting about upcoming holiday plans. 

December 15
The warm weather came to an abrupt end Wednesday afternoon. The day started off warm, humid and windy. In the afternoon it reached the mid-70s, but after school the clouds started to roll in and the wind was blowing really hard. We turned on the local news to watch the weather updates when Anthony got home from work. The rain started to pour and the wind kept blowing. Fences fell down, trampolines blew over and tree branches broke off. Thankfully we had our tree trimmed a few weeks ago, so only a few small branches broke off our tree. 

December 16
Henry has a birthday the day before Will, so we gathered at the Allred's house to celebrate the two boys. We had pizza, fruit, cake and ice cream. Beforehand, Memaw picked Will up after school and took him on his birthday shopping trip. Will got a few books, a water bottle and a headset to use when he's playing videogames. 

December 17
Will is 12! To celebrate Anthony took Will and a few of his friends to Main Event after school on Friday. They had fun on the ropes course and playing laser tag, but spent most of their time at the arcade. With Will's birthday so close to Christmas we typically just celebrate with family, so it was a fun treat for Will to spend his birthday with a few of his good buddies. These boys are all in the same class this year and enjoy sports and video games. After Main Event they came back to our house for pizza, soda, video games and air hockey.

December 18
The kid's had their holiday Christmas Concert Saturday afternoon. Will and Lauren preformed their first duet, Joy to the World perfectly. There were bumps along the way, as they first learned their individual parts, and then started playing together. The duet forced them to be patient with each other, and I think they both learned a lot. I love listening to the beautiful music they make. 

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