Sunday, November 7, 2021

2021 :: week 45


October 31
Miles and I watched Halloween Boo-fest while we handed out candy on Halloween. I tried to take him to a few houses, but he just wanted to eat the mini bag of m&ms he got at the first house. He clearly doesn't understand the long game of trick-or-treating. Knox joined Will, Elliott and Tony and Lauren met up with her gaggle of girl friends to go out together. I had a fun night in our cozy house and enjoyed seeing all the kids and some parents that stopped by our place. 

November 1
Lauren had fun sorting and counting her candy while I read to her from The Wishing Spell, book one from the new series we started reading The Land of Stories

November 2
Miles and I voted Tuesday morning after water aerobics. He really wanted to push the buttons on the screen when I was trying to vote, but thankfully didn't mess up any of my selections. He only has to wait 16 years before he gets a turn.

November 3
Wednesday night was mutual and activity days. The activity days girls made bird feeders and the youth made s'mores. While the kids and Anthony were at the activity I went to Floor and Decor to pick up the backsplash for our kitchen. I have struggled to commit, but am excited about the choice we made. 

November 4
The trees in our yard are due for a trim. We attempted to schedule the trimming back in July, but the arborists we use are so good they were booked until this fall. I was so grateful they came because our neighbor was getting very impatient with us. She hasn't liked our tree for years, and she really didn't like it when the branches were hanging heavy over her driveway. It looks so much better now, freshly trimmed. 

November 5
The backsplash is in and it looks awesome! It has to cure over the weekend and then they will grout it. It is fun to see the kitchen fully come together. 

November 6
For the first time in weeks we didn't have any obligations Saturday. I made the executive decision that we were going to go on an adventure. We drove to Kessler Park in KC, MO, and walked along the Cliff Drive. The Cliff Drive has been around since early 1900s (in fact it was first built to accommodate horse drawn carriages) but has had periods where it was unusable. It was designed by landscape architect George Kessler to wind through the wooded hills and limestone bluffs and overlooks the east bottoms. It eventually was paved to accommodate automobiles, and then feel into disrepair. It is now totally closed to vehicles, but it open to pedestrians and bicyclists. We started at Scaritt Point and walked to the Kessler Waterfall where we enjoyed a picnic lunch. Miles was not interested in walking fast so we didn't go as far as we would have liked, but it was still fun. It was a gorgeous fall morning, and we saw some of the largest leaves I have ever seen. After our walk we loaded up the van and headed to the Liberty Jail. We recently studied the revelations Joseph Smith received while in the Liberty Jail and I really wanted to take our kids there. It had been years since they had been, I don't think Miles had ever been there before. We had a nice visit and then headed home. 

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