November 14 |
Last year we didn't get to have a Primary Program, and I was really bummed Will missed out on his "last program." This year or ward did a slightly shortened program. The kids did a really good job with their parts. Thanks to the wonders of technology and church zoom, grandparents and family members near and far could hear the kids say their parts. Earlier that day we got to watch our Starita cousins in their primary program in Boston.
November 15 |
We met the Allreds at the zoo Monday morning. As long as we keep getting great weather we are going to keep going to the zoo as often as possible. This time we "went to Africa." We still rode the train and saw the penguins, but we also rode the tram and walked the Africa loop. I was disappointed there was only one gorilla out, and that it was wasn't easy to see. The gorillas are usually a highlight for me. The hippos were very active, swimming around their little pond, and we saw several elephants as we walked along the path. While we were walking over the bridge a train passed under us. The boys were excited by the loud train whistle and how fast the train was moving.
November 16 |
Tuesday evening the kids got their first Covid shot. I promised the kids peppermint milk shakes from Chick-fil-A to keep them from getting nervous, but no one was that nervous and they all said they "didn't really hurt." They didn't appear to have any side effects from the first dose besides sore arms.
November 17 |
We reached a new family milestone on Wednesday--first school band concert. It was a combined band/orchestra concert, with each group performing five songs. Will did awesome, he even had a short "solo" in "We Will Rock You." Traditionally, band starts in 5th grade in our school district, but due to Covid they weren't able to offer band and orchestra to 5th graders. A few of the kids had taken private lessons, but most of the kids were brand new to their band instruments. Will plays the trumpet, like his father and paternal grandfather before him.
November 18 |
Daphne's mom took the girls out for hot chocolates and pastries after school on Thursday. The girls are really so very delightful.
November 19 |
I really wanted to see the Beaver Moon and lunar eclipse Thursday night. Unfortunately, I struggle with insomnia and occasionally struggle to sleep. This week I haven't slept well so I decided it wasn't worth it to set a middle-of-the-night to get up and see the moon. As luck would have it Miles woke up crying at 3:30am. I was able to quickly help him get settled and then went outside to see the moon. It looked so cool! I was even able to fall back asleep pretty quickly after my nocturnal adventures. The days are getting very short now, it's already dark when I go for a walk after Tony gets home from work.
November 20 |
Saturday was a busy day, starting early with a 8am indoor soccer game for Lauren. She played pretty well, but much prefers outdoor soccer. She does not like the physicality, especially at the wall.