Sunday, September 5, 2021

2021 :: week 36

August 29
Everyone was understandably obsessed with George on Sunday. It was his first full day as member of our family and the kids--especially Will and Lauren--were anxious to interact with him. The pet store clerks advised us to avoid picking him up for at least a week so he can adjust to his new home. Will and Lauren took turns feeding him sunflower seeds. It was surprisingly cute watching him grab the seeds, then crack it open and eat the meat. Usually Will and I read together downstairs, but on Sunday we read up in his room to be close to George. Will is a doting and proud hamster dad.
August 30
My extroverted children have been loving all the social time they get during the school day and at the park afterwards. I find myself spending Miles' nap time prepping for or preparing dinner so I am able to better accommodate their social needs. After dinner the kids cuddled together and watched a little TV. Lately they have been into watching the Super Why! (Miles), msmojo's Disney Top Ten lists (Elliott) and Family Reunion (Lauren).
August 31
We met up with the Wilsons at Matt Ross and went for a quick swim after school Tuesday afternoon. This is the last week our summer pool pass is valid and the kids wanted to go one last time. I took this picture as we were riding the elevator upstairs post-swim.

September 1
Elliott made his youth recreation league debut Wednesday evening! He played "pitcher," short stop, first base and left outfield, got hits 3 of the 4 times he was up to bat and crossed himself, then pointed to the sky when he crossed home plate. If this is what watching Elliott play baseball is going to be like I am here for it.
September 2
Miles and I are enjoying getting out together in the morning before it gets too hot. We met up with Em and Mikey and played a the park for awhile Thursday morning. I helped Miles troubleshoot where to place his feet and he climbed up this tower over and over. He would walk down the steps, the run around and climb back up over and over again. 
September 3
I spent a few hours on Friday cleaning out my gmail account. After ignoring several "your gmail storage is an insane% full" emails for weeks, on Thursday I was no longer able to send emails or use my google documents. Miles copied me and got out his computer and punched buttons for a bit. He has been very particular about his clothing and accessories lately. He added the winter hat himself, and chose the croc/sock combo himself. 

September 4
Tony took the kids up to the park to practice hitting and catching, but the field was muddy from rain. They went to the field and had batting practice for close to two hours. Curran and Bennett joined in on the fun too. 

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