September 12 |
Sunday evening we had a group of people from the ward over for dessert. The kids had so much fun last time we had people over we decided to do it again. We have had a lot of young couples move into our ward this summer, so we invited some of them too. I am getting so excited by the glimpses of fall we have had this past week.
September 13
We trekked out to the sunflower farm with the Allreds Monday night to get a few "sunflower pictures," and were pleasantly surprised by the lack of crowds. I felt quite stressed for about 90 seconds when we couldn't locate him Elliott, though he was totally unconcerned. I guess when you can hear people calling your name you don't feel "lost," though for the people that can't see you it's a different story. I really enjoyed our drive home, listening to songs that are family favorites and enjoying the beautiful scenery at sunset.
September 14 |
Miles and Dad relaxed on the beanbag Tuesday. All the John boys rest with their arms behind their heads. It makes me smile when I see them do it. Miles has taken a liking to Super Why! and requests episodes daily. His ability to recognize letters and numbers has really taken off since watching. We have foam letters for the kids to play with in the bathtub, and he has started calling them his "superletters" as he scatters them around the house. I found a few letters stashed under my pillow this week.
September 15 |
Elliott has a wonderful kindergarten teacher this year, Mrs. Phipps. On Wednesday she came to his baseball game. Here she is with her students on the team--Elliott, McKenna and Meadow. Elliott decided he needed to start wearing eye black to his games, and he did get some great hits this night, so...it must bring good luck.
September 16 |
Lauren and Daphne are gearing up for a fall craft sale. Lauren has been working on ghosts, pumpkins and bats in her downtime. It is an enterprising lady and it is fun too see her creative juices flow and entrepreneurial spirit come out. She is very organized and cleans up shop every night before she gets in bed. No needles, buttons or thread are ever left out.
September 17 |
Friday morning Anthony and I flew to New York City! My parents said they would watch our kids for a long weekend so we could take a trip together to mark our 15th anniversary. We had such a fun time! We have both been to New York before but it had been years. The first item on our itinerary--after buying metro passes and storing our luggage--was the 9/11 Museum. Tony lived in Finland when the attacks happened, so he doesn't feel connected to it the way people who were living in the US do. I was a brand new freshman at BYU when it happened, so it is truly the first major event of my "adulthood.: The museum was very well done and helped me to put together the sequence of events and their aftermath around the country that day. We stopped at the memorials too, which are beautiful and very large. On the birthday of a victim they put a rose on their name. It was humbling to see a few roses and remember that for each person lost there is a community of people who feel their loss every day.
September 18 |
Saturday morning we headed to Battery Park to catch a ferry to visit the Statue of Liberty. I have wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty since I read about it in our blue Golden Book Encyclopedias as an elementary schooler in College Station, Texas. We made a quick visit to Liberty Island, then took the next ferry to Ellis Island where we spent a few hours. Neither one of us have family members that were processed through Ellis Island, but it was a fascinating tour nonetheless. We then took the ferry back to Manhattan and walked to the subway which we took to the Bronx for a Yankees game. This was our longest ride on the subway. Tony was pleased that he brought bad luck to the Yankees, they lost 11-3. That evening we got Greek food, then walked around Times Square and down Fifth Avenue via Bryant Park. The New York Public Library looked beautiful--it was set up for a wedding. I looked it up and weddings there start at $60K. Broadway reopened earlier that week and they had Broadway performers singing at various spots along 7th Avenue and Broadway in an event called Curtains Up! We walked a lot that day, but it was nothing compared to Sunday. Meanwhile at home my parents took the kids to the Louisburg Cider Mill and they had a great time.