Sunday, April 18, 2021

2020 :: week 16

April 11

Miles has a hard time with our current church start time--noon. This Sunday I made the kids stay for the relief society lesson. It was a bit rough, but I enjoyed the discussion. I was very pleased I was able to easily transition Miles from car seat to crib when we got home. We switched Miles to a forward facing five-point harness car seat shortly after his second birthday last month and it has been a success.

April 12
Elliott and Blaise have been playing together so well lately. They seem to get along best when it is just the two of them and no siblings or other neighbors are around. Both boys are extremely creative and they seem to live in a world of pure imagination when they are together. Renee generously watched Elliott for me while I was getting my first Covid shot Monday afternoon. I signed up for it while we were in Florida and didn't realize the appointment times were listed in Eastern Time. I thought I signed up to get it while Elliott was at preschool, but instead scheduled it at the same time his class ends.

April 13
As it has gotten warmer out Elliott and Blaise have taken to taking their shirts off and laying on the warm trampoline. I watched them play in our backyard while I worked on finishing A Light Between Oceans, the book club pick for April. I did not finish the book in time for our masked up meeting that night. 

April 14
Both Anthony and I got our first Covid shots this week. I got mine at the Hy-Vee pharmacy on Monday afternoon and Anthony went to a warehouse in Lenexa to get his at a clinic put on by the County. We both got the Pfizer vaccine and didn't notice any side effects other than maybe fatigue and headaches. It is hard to know because we are also the middle aged parents of four so fatigue is a major part of our lives right now, and we have both been hard hit with seasonal allergies this year too. Regardless, it is exciting to get one step closer to "normal."

April 15

Elliott and I attended Kindergarten Round up at OPC Thursday evening. It got off to a great start when Elliott confidently told the principal that he knew everything about OPC and then she had to remind him twice before we entered the building his mask needed to cover his nose. Oh Elliott! He had a lot of fun in his assigned classroom, playing games with fellow future-kindergarteners, meeting the Kindergarten and specials teachers and taking an abbreviated tour of the building. We also learned that his preschool classmate Camdyn will be a Husky as well. When I went to pick him up the teachers watching Elliott told me he had some great dance moves. Will said that the gym teacher told him he met his little brother the night before and that he "wouldn't forget him." Elliott was born two days before Will started kindergarten at OPC, so Elliott starting school here will be a very full-circle moment. 

April 16
In the week since we returned from Florida, Anthony and I have been watching The Right Stuff and finished the final episode Friday night. The Right Stuff is a Disney+ series about the origins and growth of the US Space program and the pilots that vied to be the first man in space. The story is very interesting, but some of the episodes were a little tedious. I also started listening to the audiobook The Astronauts Wives Club and have put the Tom Hanks docu-series From the Earth to the Moon on hold. When we get into a topic, we go all in. We are open to any and all space/moon shows and movies recommendations. 

April 17
Though it was their fourth scheduled game, due to rain cancellations and our spring break trip it was Lauren's first game of the season. It was worth the wait though, because Lauren played great! In addition to two assists she also scored her first goal of the year. We had to pick up some doughnuts from Lamar's on the way home to celebrate. Last week Lauren and I were talking about soccer and she told me that the reason she has gotten so much better is because she tries hard. She acknowledged that she is far from the most athletic person on her team, but because she is willing to try she is improving even though she makes mistakes sometimes. Tony and I are so proud of her willingness to try, especially because she is a perfectionist and public mistakes are hard for her.

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