Sunday, January 17, 2021

2021 :: week 3


January 10
A few weeks ago we had a brainstorming session to come up with "Sunday activities" for the kids to do. Inspired by the A.P Sunday School videos on YouTube one of the ideas the kids came up with was building scripture scenes out of Lego. Will and Elliott built the Smith Family Farmhouse and Sacred Grove. 

January 11
I would estimate that Miles makes me do a double-take at least twice a day. Whether he is wobbling backwards at the top of the stairs, sitting precariously on the edge of the couch or climbing anything that has a foothold he is constantly making me nervous. He seems to have no fear and to genuinely enjoy climbing things.

January 12
When you are blessed with a sunny day and temperatures in the mid-50s in January, you spend as much time outside as possible. That is exactly what we did on Tuesday, starting with a walk and playtime at the park with the little boys. After naptime we met up with Kendall at Santa Marta. We met the big kids at Bluejacket after school and played for another hour before heading home. Most of the kids besides Miles played outside until dinnertime. 

January 13
I have been working on our 2020 photo book and feeling bad that I don't have as many pictures of Miles. Now that the older kids are in school and he is down to one nap (😭) a day the tables have turned and I have more pictures of him than anyone else. I stopped trying to force two naps after Thanksgiving and he has been much more pleasant with one later nap. We do a lot of reading together, especially when  Elliott is at school and it is just the two of us. 

January 14
The big kids are so helpful with Miles during the "witching hour." He just doesn't understand why he can't help me cook dinner yet. I would consider letting him "help" if he would actually try to help. Instead he stands underfoot and grabs items out of our pantry, leaving them on the ground for me to trip over. 

January 15
Friday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow on the ground. Will reported a sore throat while we were eating dinner Thursday, and after consulting with the school nurse we kept him home and took him in to get tested for strep and COVID. He tested negative for strep, so we are quarantined at home until we get the results. The doctor thinks it is unlikely and that they have seen several patients with viral colds. Lauren was given the okay to go to school because we haven't had any "known contact" with COVID. If Will tests positive she will have to stay home for two weeks. More than anyone else in the family she is desperately praying that his test results come back negative.

January 16

We spent a quiet Saturday at home relaxing, playing games, using the sauna, and watching season two of the Mandalorian. The doctor's office told us there was a slim chance Will's test results would be posted within 24 hours, so I checked the patient portal at least once an hour to no avail. I spent a few hours organizing photos and backing them up on my external hard drive. I made salmon soup for dinner and Anthony and I listened to the adult session of Stake Conference. It felt like we were in a snow globe, with the wind blowing the previously fallen snow around. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hope the test came back negative and everyone’s feeling better/healthy!