Sunday, December 20, 2020

2020 :: week 51


December 13
Uncle Matt surprised us and had four packages of double stuffed E.L. Fudge cookies delivered to our doorstep Sunday afternoon. Back when he was 18 and visited us at Christmastime he requested I buy him a pack when I went to the grocery store, and it has become an inside joke between us. The kids were very excited to join in on this joke. 

December 14
Monday evening we met up with the local Cranes and walked around the pond and enjoyed the lights at Sar Ko Par Park. It was a very cold night so we walked pretty quickly. I would like to go back again when it is a bit warmer so we can savor the experience a bit more. Miles was captivated by the lights, and loved having the freedom to walk. When we drive around and look at lights he doesn't get to see them as well as the rest of us, so it was nice for him to get a better view.

December 15
On Tuesday I succumbed to the deadly mix of a bad night's sleep, hormones and a drop in the barometric pressure. For me that means a massive headache for the next day or two. I spent several hours on the couch Tuesday with Miles watching Daniel Tiger while I tried to get some rest. I have found that wearing the Bruder mask helps a bit with the pain in my eyes, but it does allow the boys to get up to mischief. Miles kept climbing on my and pulling it off. 

December 16
We finally finished decorating our Christmas tree on Wednesday. The lights had been up for weeks, but we did not trust Miles to leave the ornaments alone. Will wanted it decorated for his birthday, so on the eve of his birthday we did it. I love decorating the tree. Anthony usually turns on the James Taylor Christmas Album, and I love listening to the songs and watching the kids pull out the ornaments. The ornaments remind me of previous Christmases, family trips we've taken or younger versions of the kids. My favorite ornaments are the ones the kids make.

December 17

When Will was a baby he cried for hours every night. As a new mom I was totally unaware that this was even a possibility, and wondered what demonic presence was causing my sweet baby to cry until he passed out night after night. I felt so unprepared and inadequate to be a mom. We learned how to cope with the situation and by the time he was six months old the nightly crying spells were a thing of the past. Even though it has been years I feel a certain amount of stress looking at old pictures from that time period. Fast forward to today and now Will has tricked me into thinking I’m a parent that has it all figured out because he is such a genuinely easy kid (some of his siblings constantly remind me I don’t, but this post is not that about that). Yesterday Will turned 1️⃣1️⃣ and I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that he’s closer to being an adult than he is to that crying baby. Will is smart, hard-working, thoughtful, adventurous, gracious and clever. I’m grateful for the opportunity I have been given to be his mom. We celebrated by eating smash burgers for dinner, per his request, with Joe's KC Fries and then donuts for dessert. 

December 18
Friday was Elliott's last day of school before Winter Break. Traditionally his school puts on a Christmas Program and invites families to attend. This year instead of inviting families to attend they recorded the program to watch at our convenience. Elliott has been practicing "Feliz Navidad," "Light a Candle," and "Hooray, It's Christmas Day." 

December 19
Just Miles pushing the envelope on places to climb. This was the first time I caught him climbing on the piano, and I think he was motivated by the previous years Christmas photos I placed up there. Miles loves looking at photos of our family more than any of my other children. 

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