Sunday, December 20, 2020

2020 :: week 51


December 13
Uncle Matt surprised us and had four packages of double stuffed E.L. Fudge cookies delivered to our doorstep Sunday afternoon. Back when he was 18 and visited us at Christmastime he requested I buy him a pack when I went to the grocery store, and it has become an inside joke between us. The kids were very excited to join in on this joke. 

December 14
Monday evening we met up with the local Cranes and walked around the pond and enjoyed the lights at Sar Ko Par Park. It was a very cold night so we walked pretty quickly. I would like to go back again when it is a bit warmer so we can savor the experience a bit more. Miles was captivated by the lights, and loved having the freedom to walk. When we drive around and look at lights he doesn't get to see them as well as the rest of us, so it was nice for him to get a better view.

December 15
On Tuesday I succumbed to the deadly mix of a bad night's sleep, hormones and a drop in the barometric pressure. For me that means a massive headache for the next day or two. I spent several hours on the couch Tuesday with Miles watching Daniel Tiger while I tried to get some rest. I have found that wearing the Bruder mask helps a bit with the pain in my eyes, but it does allow the boys to get up to mischief. Miles kept climbing on my and pulling it off. 

December 16
We finally finished decorating our Christmas tree on Wednesday. The lights had been up for weeks, but we did not trust Miles to leave the ornaments alone. Will wanted it decorated for his birthday, so on the eve of his birthday we did it. I love decorating the tree. Anthony usually turns on the James Taylor Christmas Album, and I love listening to the songs and watching the kids pull out the ornaments. The ornaments remind me of previous Christmases, family trips we've taken or younger versions of the kids. My favorite ornaments are the ones the kids make.

December 17

When Will was a baby he cried for hours every night. As a new mom I was totally unaware that this was even a possibility, and wondered what demonic presence was causing my sweet baby to cry until he passed out night after night. I felt so unprepared and inadequate to be a mom. We learned how to cope with the situation and by the time he was six months old the nightly crying spells were a thing of the past. Even though it has been years I feel a certain amount of stress looking at old pictures from that time period. Fast forward to today and now Will has tricked me into thinking I’m a parent that has it all figured out because he is such a genuinely easy kid (some of his siblings constantly remind me I don’t, but this post is not that about that). Yesterday Will turned 1️⃣1️⃣ and I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that he’s closer to being an adult than he is to that crying baby. Will is smart, hard-working, thoughtful, adventurous, gracious and clever. I’m grateful for the opportunity I have been given to be his mom. We celebrated by eating smash burgers for dinner, per his request, with Joe's KC Fries and then donuts for dessert. 

December 18
Friday was Elliott's last day of school before Winter Break. Traditionally his school puts on a Christmas Program and invites families to attend. This year instead of inviting families to attend they recorded the program to watch at our convenience. Elliott has been practicing "Feliz Navidad," "Light a Candle," and "Hooray, It's Christmas Day." 

December 19
Just Miles pushing the envelope on places to climb. This was the first time I caught him climbing on the piano, and I think he was motivated by the previous years Christmas photos I placed up there. Miles loves looking at photos of our family more than any of my other children. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

2020 :: week 50


December 6
The big kids put together this Hershey Kiss Tree using the supplies that Nana sent in the Christmas box. As I understand it, Anthony's Grammie would make a bunch of these trees each December and give them to her neighbors and friends for Christmas. It was their first time making a tree like this, and after the learning curve of figuring out where to place the pin in the Hershey's kiss to get it to stick, it went pretty fast. 

December 7
We continued our tradition of doing something festive for FHE. This week we went to what is affectionately nicknamed Paulie's Penguin Playground in Olathe. We met the Allreds, Wilsons and my parents and wandered through the never-ending inflatables. All the kids had fun, but Miles was especially fascinated. 

December 8
Our mornings ebb and flow. Currently we are in a good place with our morning routine. Miles loves getting to see the kids for a bit before they go. We found out today that several of Lauren's friends' families have COVID. I spent the afternoon making chicken and rice soup and then Lauren and I delivered it after school. The community spread is pretty high in our area right now, which I suppose is expected ~2 weeks after Thanksgiving. One family thinks they got it from a home health professional that helps bathe their grandma. The other family does not know where they got it.

December 9
Lauren and Will joined Anthony and the youth for their ice skating activity at Crown Center. They had both been begging to go, and when the activity came up it seemed like the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. Will went ice skating with a friend towards then end of season last year and has been asking to go again ever since. He had a great time. It was Lauren's first time ice skating, so it was a bit harder for her. Anthony is a good sport to go because he does not enjoy it. I love ice skating, but alas, I do not have a calling with the youth.

December 10
Miles fell while I was cooking dinner and cut the corner of his eye. I think he hit it on the brick fireplace, but am not certain. I could hear him playing and was looking over at him every minute or so. He came walking over to me while I was buttering bread and when I looked up I did a double take! I took him to my neighbor who is a nurse and we decided he didn't need to get stitches. The area was puffy but the cut was not deep. We cleaned the wound, pout Neosporin on it, and covered it with a band aid. Within 24 hours it was already looking a lot better, though I think he will always have a slight scar there.

December 11
We spent a few hours Friday afternoon doing one *hopefully* final push of getting the leaves cleaned up. We wanted to get up as much as we could before the rain and ice hit next week. I got things started, and then Anthony finished things up when he got home. Miles enjoyed playing in the kiddie car while I raked. He has yet to figure out that he needs to pull his feet up when he is on the inside, so it worked out better for him to push the empty car around. 

December 12
I snapped this picture of Elliott as I was helping him get ready for bed Saturday night. It just screams, "Elliott!" to me. He has sports paraphernalia hanging up on his side of the room just like Will. He hung up a mini wreath because to decorate just like his older siblings. He likes to wear the Elf pajamas even though they are a little small because he loves the movie Elf, but he doesn't wear the pants because he gets too hot. I forget how puffy his hair is until it's wet and weighed down. Elliott is delightful and I think I will look back on 5 year old Elliott and miss him for the rest of my life. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

2020 :: week 49


November 29

Sunday afternoon we were able to gather virtually with members of the extended Crane family and tour the Smith Family home and Sacred Grove. My dad's brother and his wife, my Uncle McKay and Aunt Susie, are currently serving as missionaries at the church historical sites in Palmyra, NY. My cousin Elena arranged a time for our family to join a zoom call and the missionaries gave us a tour as they walked through the home and the grove as if we were with them in person. It was very cool to be able to see the sacred sites as well as the names and faces of family members that I love. I'm looking forward to studying church history next year.

November 30

On Monday we received an exciting Christmas package in the mail from Nana and Papa! It was full of Christmas goodies--crafts, treats, activities, décor, pajama pants for mom and dad, etc. After dinner we loaded up and went to a Christmas light show. We parked and let Miles and Elliott get out of their carseats, which they both were very pleased about. We shared the peppermint chocolate pretzels from Nana and Papa and enjoyed the music and lights. It is really starting to feel like Christmas!

December 1

It is amazing to me how many kids like trading Pokemon cards. It started with just a few of the kids bringing their cards, but it has really grown. I was shocked at how many kids brought their binders and cards to swap at the park after school on Tuesday. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the highlight of  Elliott's day. He loves it and I am both baffled and amused when I see him making trades with kids that are three, four and sometimes even five years older than him. Anthony calls him the "Wolf of Bond Street," because he often brags about the sweet trades he makes. Lauren and Will participate as well, but not as often.

December 2

Elliott and I have been playing a round or two of Sleeping Queens each day during Miles' nap. Elliott talks a lot of smack, but it is fun to see how good his addition has gotten. I took this picture of him doing some "mega math," 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. 

December 3
I bought Miles a booster seat to sit at the table. He has been very difficult at dinner lately and we are hoping this will help. In his dream world he would sit on the bench with Lauren and Elliott. However, whenever he climbs up there he often forgets that he can't lean back and falls off. His behavior has improved since we modified the seating arrangements. Unfortunately, Anthony and I don't like the booster I purchased because it is difficult to snap the the tray on and off.

December 4
On Friday evening Emily, Jill, my mom and I gathered to celebrate Jill's forthcoming baby boy. We ordered Costa Vida, ate gourmet cupcakes and watched a Lifetime Christmas movie where Marie Osmond was the villain. What more could an expectant mom want? Probably to give birth without worrying about a global pandemic.

December 5
Lauren and I painted her nails in Christmas colors Saturday. I only have enough pampering mojo for one child and none of the boys are interested in me even combing their hair, so when Lauren wants me to help her with her nails I am excited to do it. She is also wearing the headband that came in Papa and Nana's Christmas box. Lauren is nothing if not festive.