May 17 |
After Dana cooked some vegetables and eggs for breakfast, Anthony and I decided to make some for lunch. They were so good! We have never been very fancy with our breakfast foods, mostly enjoying french toast for breakfast on holidays or when Papa John is in town or if we are eating with Uncle Ben. But we have been eating a lot more eggs lately as we have more time in the morning and Lauren enjoys making them.
May 18 |
There are few things Johnson County moms like more than berry picking excursions. After a spring full of staying at home, I was very excited to see that Meulebeke Market was going to be open Monday. We couldn't go until 12:30pm because Will had his virtual piano lesson at 11am and Lauren had a class meeting at 11:30am. It was a risk to go later in the day (they opened at 10am), and it was pretty picked over by the time we got there, but it was worth it. It wasn't very crowded and we were still able to get several pounds of delicious berries without wearing masks because it was easy to spread out. Dana came with us and picked another few pounds herself, she was by far the most efficient picker with the fewest non-ripe berries in her flat. The Wilsons met us there too and got quite a haul. It was a great activity to get outdoors and see others, but still remain fairly distant. Throughout the week we mixed the strawberries with yogurt, ice cream and milk for delicious treats.
May 19 |
Miles is still enjoying his "car." Most days when he starts to get grumpy I scoop him up, put him in his car and take a walk around the block. It makes me chuckle the way he grips the steering wheel and how serious he looks while he "drives." He will let go of the wheel to wave at other people and animals, especially dogs. Miles loves dogs! The wheels of the car are so loud I never take this thing on long walks, but it is perfect for a quick spin.
May 20 |
Wednesday was the beginning of the end of school. Elliott's preschool teacher, Ms. Amanda stopped by our house in the morning to drop off a goodie bag and to officially say goodbye. Even though he mostly ran around and showed off while she was here, he talked about the visit for the rest of the day. I really appreciate all she and the older kids' teachers did to keep connected to the kids during the quarter of "virtual learning." Later in the day we drove over to the school to pick up the contents of Will and Lauren's desks and cubbies. Their teachers went to school earlier in the week to pack up each students' belongings. Because only 10 school district employees were allowed on the school premises at a given time, the kindergarten through second grade teachers were spaced out at the park behind the school. Students and parents that wished to say goodbye in person could drive through and say hello through the window. We were able to say goodbye to many teachers that are special to us.
May 21 |
Our driveway has been the site of many homerun derbies this week. Will, Anthony and I have taken turns pitching to mostly Elliott and Will, but a few of our neighbors have wanted to get in on the action too. The weather has been gorgeous and we have gone outside after dinner multiple nights to get a few rounds of hitting in. Elliott's hitting has gotten so much better too!
May 22 |
Friday was an unusually busy day for Anthony. In the morning he officiated the marriage of the CEO of his company in the conference room at his office. In the evening he officiated the marriage of a member of our ward at his home. Because family members were unable to travel and gather for the occasion, they set up computers so they could participate via zoom. I attended the wedding with Anthony because they needed live witnesses. My parents watched our kids, and afterwards we went to a local pizza place and sat outside and ate our dinner. It was the most "normal" outing we have had together in months.
May 23 |
We spent a lot of time on Saturday working in our yard and on a variety of home projects. I bought this swing for the kids to use in our backyard. With the playgrounds closed here until at least mid-June, I thought it would be fun to have. The tree branch we hung it on is a little too high for the swing, so I bought some chain at Home Depot and with the added length it is perfect. I love hearing the kids squealing with delight as they play together on it. While Will and Lauren were pushing Elliott pretty high, Elliott kept yelling that he felt like he was "on the Barnstormer!" I am officially old because I started to feel nauseous when I went too high.
1 comment:
I just binge read your blog- which I haven't read since the start of the corona virus and it just totally lifted my spirits. I think our kids are pretty similar (love legomasters and masked singer and music and sports). I am hoping we can get together soon- so excited at the idea of seeing your amazing yard in person!!
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