March 1 |
Try as we might to keep things serious, our family devotional time often ends with some sort of wrestling, tickling or other physical altercation. The likelihood of this happening increases greatly when mom and dad want things to go as efficiently as possible. This Sunday evening we had friends over for dinner and were having so much fun we started putting the kids to bed a full hour after their usual bedtime. Of course the older three kids would wind up in a pile further slowing the bedtime process when I just want them to cooperate so they can get to sleep.
March 2 |
Each year the PTA buys one book for each student during the Spring Book Fair. Lauren picked hers up during library time Monday and after school she was reading it aloud to several of her friends. I'm often impressed with her ability to organize her friends into one cohesive activity. It was also the first day of Dr. Seuss spirit week, so many of the kids, Lauren included were wearing pajamas.
March 3 |
Miles loves watching the world from our front window. He pulls himself up and watches the big kids play with our neighbors in the front yard. He often yelps, and it seems like he is calling out to them. Since he started pulling himself up at the window I decided that I needed to do a good thorough cleaning of our windows and blinds. It was a great task to do while listening to Volume 2 of
Saints, a books about the history of the LDS church from 1846-1893. During the last week of February and first week of March I listened to both volumes.
March 4 |
Wednesday is typically our busiest day of the week, and this Wednesday was no exception. We had to get up and get going a few minutes earlier than usual because it was crazy hair day and both kids needed a little help. Henleigh was sporting about then hair bows. Curran and Henleigh walk up to school with us most days now. That afternoon Will had his piano theory class and then the kids had activity days and Anthony had mutual. Lauren worked on a vision board, Will's group played basketball and Anthony hosted "Family Feud" with the youth.
March 5 |
Miles is one! And to celebrate we spent the evening
watching Uncle Daniel’s team take on the
Roos. It was an exciting game that didn’t end how we hoped (the Wolverines struggled to make their free throws!), but
Anthony’s voice was hoarse the next morning, a sure sign of a good time. A fitting way to celebrate Miles’ first birthday. When your birthday is in
March you kinda have to like basketball, right? After the game we drove to Daniel's hotel and visited with him for about an hour. Elliott is now a die hard fan of both the Roos and UVU and keeps asking me to look up photos of Kasey, the Roos mascot.
March 6 |
We are learning that Miles loves dogs. At the park after school several of the parents bring their dogs to play at the park. Miles is fascinated by them and is noticeably excited when one comes anywhere near him. Allison's puppy was giving Miles a lot of attention and he was loving it. He got a little confused when the dog licked his shoe, but was so excited when I got him out of his stroller and let him pet the dog's back. Our older kids are still a little nervous around dogs, so having a baby that likes animals is a new thing for us.
March 7 |
We have been having some very productive Saturdays lately. Anthony spent time cleaning the leaves that accumulated on the side of our house, as well as out of our flower beds (again!). I took everything out of the garage, throwing many things away in the process. Then I swept it clean before putting anything back. That evening we had a movie night at watched Frozen 2 and ate some delicious ice cream. I love productive Saturdays.
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