Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 :: week 1

December 29
Sunday was Tony's birthday. It was a 5th Sunday and he had to teach and also deal with a weird situation in our ward. This what I posted on instagram: It's Tony's birthday! He’s one of the best—a great husband, father, son and friend. When I first met him I liked that he included everyone and lived his life with integrity. Fourteen years later I’m even more grateful for those traits. He models how to be a good citizen to our children and helps them to love learning, music, sports and most importantly, God. I’m a better person because of him.

December 30
Monday was a day of family fun. Anthony had the day off due to his birthday the day before, so we took advantage of the "winter break special" at Main Event. We spent the bulk of the day playing laser tag, bowling and doing a ropes course. After lunch I took Elliott and Miles home and Anthony stayed with Will and Lauren because Elliott was too small to fully participate in the "funner" activities the older kids wanted to do. That evening we brought Chipotle to my parents house to celebrate my mom's birthday. A fun, full day.

December 31
We ended the year doing chores and cleaning up Christmas. I enjoy taking down Christmas almost as much as I enjoy putting it up. Putting our decor out is exciting and ignites the anticipation for Christmas. The house feels bigger and brighter after we put it away and it feels like a clean slate for the new year. That evening we had the Throssells over for pizza and a family sauna session. We haven't gotten to just hang out with them in months and it was so nice. Before they came over I went for a walk and soaked in the crisp, cool air and the beautiful crescent moon.

January 1
New Years Day was nice and quiet. We slept in, played video games, read book and general hung out around the house. Anthony and I went on a walk together and talked about some of the things we want to accomplish together this year. That evening we went to our neighbors house for chili and football.

January 2
Lauren and Miles took a bath together Thursday evening. If I bathe Miles by himself I bathe him in the kitchen sink. If one of the other kids is bathing I'll have Miles get in with them. Lauren is such a great helper with Miles. She loves him and dotes on him and gives him attention when I have responsibilities to attend to.

January 3
Lauren took a ton of pictures on my phone to play an "eye-spy" game. I thought it was kind of fun to see the different colors and textiles in our home.

January 4
This is Lauren in her element. Lauren likes to lead and entertain and be in charge and she is doing all three of those things in this moment. She has instructed these four younger neighbors to sit down and listen to a silly story she was making up in real time. The kids were sitting attentively and laughing and seemed to be really enjoying themselves. I asked her about the story and she said it was about Peppa Pig and some characters Tony made up a few years ago.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Where is that picture on Jan 1st on the bean bags? Is that your basement or your family room off the kitchen. It looked to light and airy.