January 12 |
Each night when we tuck our kids into their beds we try to spend a few minutes with them to find our about their day. Each kid can tell us a "happy" and a "sad, but sometimes they switch those out for "scary," "excited," or "silly." If we have enough time we will sing a song with them too. Currently "Nephi's Courage" is a favorite choice, though "Silent Night" and "Love One Another" get picked a lot too. We recently put some pink twinkle lights on Lauren's bed to help combat her fear of the dark. My main concern was that the lights would make it harder for her to fall asleep, but so far they have not.
January 13 |
The kids and I did not see any other people walking to school Monday morning. It snowed quite a bit overnight Friday into Saturday and then throughout the day Saturday. I wanted the kids to walk up to school because neither of them had gym that day and I knew the school would have indoor recess--the kids needed to get some movement in while they could! The kids aren't allowed to play on the equipment if there is snow on it(!?), and they are not allowed to play in the grass when there is snow on the grass(!?!?) or if it is wet. Too many playground rules in my opinion, but I am not in charge, nor do I want to be. Throughout the day the temperature rose, hitting 46 degrees for the high. By the evening the snow was almost completely melted.
January 14 |
As Alexander's mom says in
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, "Some days are like that." Tuesday was "like that" for me. I woke up with a headache. Miles only napped for about an hour total and was pretty grumpy throughout the day. When I went to change his diaper and put him to bed I didn't realize he had pooped and ended up getting poop all over my hand and shirt. In the evening while the kids were trying to make their lunches the Costco bag of goldfish ripped and spilled all over the floor. Tony didn't know about the evening mishaps, but thoughtfully brought me a peppermint milkshake he got at Chick-fil-A on his way home from church meetings, a bright spot for the day.
January 15 |
Will had his second Mathletics competition Wednesday afternoon and it went much better than his first. He was teamed up with Addie and Adelyn and they got 1st place for 4th grade, earning them a spot in the regional competition. This is Will's first year doing Math Club. At our school Math Club is an extracurricular for kids in 4th-6th grades and meets twice a month after school for about a hour. Once a month there is an area Mathletics competition where teams from three elementary schools compete for a spot at regionals.
January 16 |
My eyes were bothering me around Christmastime, so I scheduled my first ever visit with an optometrist. Despite my fears that my eyes are giving out on me because I am getting old, it turns out I have really dry eyes and an incomplete blink. My tears evaporate after about three seconds, and normal is closer to ten. The doctor advised me to wear a bruder mask for about 10 minutes a day to help open the oil glands in my eyes. When there is more of your natural oils in your tears they don't evaporate as fast. I usually wear the mask at night before I go to bed.
January 17 |
Due to icy participation and low temperatures school was cancelled Friday. I was a little disappointed, but we ended up having a pretty fun day. We watched two Star Wars movies and used the sauna in the early evening. When I checked Miles' gums that afternoon I felt that one of his top teeth finally cut through! Maybe he won't be so grumpy this upcoming week.
January 18 |
The Hornets won their first game Saturday afternoon! They had a rough pre-season, but things seem to finally be coming together. The boys remembered to keep their hands up and get between their man and the basket. Unfortunately, Tony was not able to be at the game. An elderly member of our ward passed away last week and her funeral was at the same time. It was a busy church day for Anthony. Double missionary baptism in the morning, funeral in early afternoon, and then Stake Conference leadership meetings in the afternoon and evening.