Saturday, November 2, 2019

2019 :: week 44

October 27
Elliott and Papa played catch Sunday evening. Elliott is a lot of fun, but not exactly consistent in his imaginative games. The game of catch represented the Red Sox playing the Patriots and the score was 200-2, or something like that. Papa also wrote out some baseball word problems for Will to solve. He worked hard and had fun learning new ways to divide. I think I can handle batting averages, but WHIPs (walks plus hits per inning pitched) give me a run for my money.

October 28
Monday was a cold, gray day. During the day the kids had school and Doug and Tina helped me with some grocery shopping and child care. That evening we went out for some bbq at Jack Stack's. When we came home Nana played hangman with Lauren and Will for quite a while. They had such a fun time coming up with phrases for each other. I think my favorite phrase was "BYU is an average team." After the kids went to bed Anthony and I enjoyed visiting with Doug and Tina for a few hours before we finally all went to bed. We had a great visit with them, despite the fact that we were busy with a variety of commitments while they were here (parent teacher conferences,birthday parties, ward activity, practices, games, etc.).

October 29
Aunt Laura flew out for the baptistm and was scheduled to fly back to Utah Tuesday afternoon. The little boys and I stopped by to say goodbye before taking Elliott to school, and just before we got there she found out her flight was cancelled. If flying west in the winter it is best to avoid layovers in Denver! It meant a lot to me and Lauren to have Laura at Lauren's baptism.

October 30
In the morning, Elliott and I walk the big kids to school and Anthony reads his scriptures and plays the piano with Miles. I love seeing that little guy perched on his dad's lap. Sometimes he tries to "sing" along.
October 31
If Halloween costumes aren't posted on the internet, did they even happen? All three of the school kids had classroom parties at the same time Thursday afternoon, which was a bit of a logistical struggle. I understand why they have them the last half hour of the day, but that made it tough to pick up Elliott. Luckily Anthony could take a late lunch break get him. I am the room parent in Lauren's classroom and unofficially "required" to be at her party. That evening we went to a party our neighbors threw, complete with hot dogs and a hayride. Tony took the older kids and Knox out trick or treating while I stayed home and passed out candy with the little boys. Miles was ready for bed and Elliott was not interested in going out. Maybe next year?

November 1
Nursing Miles has taken a sharp turn for the worse. Things started going downhill when he started biting me. I thought if I sharply told him, "No!" and stopped feeding him for a few minutes he'd get the message. Unfortunately, he keeps biting me and now my milk supply is struggling. Anyone who has breastfed knows that this can be a circular problem. Friday morning Elliott and I went to Target to buys some bottles and had the good fortune of parking next to this Kia Soul. Elliott was wearing his Salvador Perez shirt in honor of the 4th anniversary of the Royals winning the World Series (and because his Mookie Betts shirt is in the wash).

November 2
Lauren and Miles have a lot in common, including eczema. Lauren is a great helper when it is time to give Miles a bath, holding him in the tub while I wash his hair and body. He much prefers being in the big tub to bathing in the kitchen sink. After they bath in baking soda and water we pat them dry  we moisturize with CeraVe, and apply prescription strength hydro-cortisone to the bad patches.


Meredith said...

Nolan gets bad eczema on the back of his knees. We have never tried a baking soda bath. We will have to give that a try.
Miles is definitely developing his own look. I love as babies lose their infant look and you start to see what they will look like. What a darling baby!

Tina said...

Love that wide eyed smile! He is such a cutie!

Laura said...

So happy I got to be there for Lauren's baptism and love that I got to be a witness! I love getting to spend time with you all.