Sunday, June 16, 2019

2019 :: week 24

June 9
The sky looked so pretty Sunday afternoon. I listened to some Christmas songs while I walked and it made me feel good. I ran into my friend Tabitha and we caught up on the various things that are going on in our respective lives. We used to walk back home after walking our kids up to school in the morning, but she started a job and I had Miles and I haven't seen her nearly as much since he was born.

June 10

Monday was just one of those days. Elliott purchased a season of Paw Patrol on our kindle, somehow figuring out how to get past the parental controls. We did laundry, grocery shopping and a trip to the pool. Emily graciously had the big kids over for a few hours so I could go shopping with only Miles in tow.

June 11
I got very spoiled with childcare this week. My mom watched the kids for me for a few hours and I was able get some work done in peace and quiet. I quickly stopped at Costco--much easier to do quickly without all four kids. The only picture I took all day is of these shorts at Costco. It is hard finding nice shorts for kids that they will actually wear. My kids have high standards for comfort. That afternoon I took Miles to his first physical therapy appointment. Poor boy has a flat spot on his head and doesn't like to bear weight on his right side. The official diagnosis is "torticollis and plagiocephaly." It went well and I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of Ms. Jessica in the coming months.

June 12
Lauren had a fun day Wednesday. She got to go to a swimming party put on by the Activity Days leaders in our ward in the morning, and then she got to go swim at Bluejacket with the family in the afternoon. Miles is always interested in a good snuggle. That evening the missionaries came over for dinner and then I went to a baby shower for my friend Heather.

June 13
Elliott and Nicholas are such fun little buddies. Their love for Paw Patrol, scavenging snacks and being silly is still going strong. Thursday night I hosted book club. We read The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I really enjoyed this one. I've been finding a bit more time to read lately, which I am enjoying.

June 14
Friday was a busy day. Anthony was conducting a workshop at a hotel down by the airport so we didn't see much of him until late. Will spent the day with his friend Ben, so it was a bit quieter than usual at home. I worked upstairs cleaning out the kids room with Lauren and Elliott and we rewarded ourselves with some free smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe. TSC gives away free smoothies one day a year and I try to never miss it.

June 15
Tony had to spend the better part of the day at his workshop, but he got home in time to go see Annie  at Theater in the Park with the rest of us. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and there was a lot of lightening during the first Act. Just before intermission they cancelled the performance and we all had to head home. I was skeptical, but it was pouring rain by the time we got on the highway. We will be able to use our tickets to see another play of our choice this season. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the final performance of Annie. We are thinking we will try to see Matilda in July.

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