Monday, December 3, 2018

2018 :: week 49

November 25
It was forecasted to snow overnight and into Sunday morning, but I was hoping the meteorologists would be wrong. I don't know if I am ready for the cold, snowy part of winter yet. Regardless, it did start snowing in morning and the stake made the decision to cancel all meetings. It turned out to be a wise one, because when all was said and done we received about 6 inches of snow! That is the most snow we've gotten in any one storm in years. We drove over to my parents' house and hung out for awhile, though Will, Tyler and Leah were the only ones brave enough to go out in the snow. We went home for naps, but came back for dinner and brought a bunch of snow gear with us so the kids could play outside more comfortably if they wanted to. It was a nice, quiet day of visiting, playing games and watching the snowfall outside.

November 26
School was cancelled on Monday, even though it stopped snowing the evening before. The roads were pretty bad, none of the side streets were plowed before Monday and ours didn't get plowed until that night. I was disappointed they cancelled school being that we were coming off a nine day break! Give me a snow day on a random Wednesday, not after a holiday break when I need to dive back into a routine. Despite my pessimism it ended up being a fun day. Will worked hard and shoveled our driveway pretty much by himself. His friend Curran came over and helped a bit, but their main project was building a snowman.

November 27
Finally back to real life! Even in the snow Elliott and his buddies Nicolas and Tanner like to play with their Paw Patrol toys at the park during after school pickup. One nice thing about the snow is that all three kids don't fight me when I remind them to put on boots, gloves and hats. When it snowed a few weeks ago I realized we didn't have any snow boots in Elliott's size. I had him wear his rain boots with extra socks, but knew that wasn't a long term solution. We went to Target and Kohl's looking for boots, but the cheapest boots in his size were $25. I decided I'd give Savers a look before forking over that much cash and happily found 2 pairs--one in his size and one the next size up--for $9. Also, Elliott calls footprints paw prints. When we were walking to the park for pickup he told me he was going to "put his paw prints in my paw prints so it was easier." He's constantly saying clever things and I enjoy being his mom and getting to hear them.

November 28
Will has been having a hard time with his glasses lately. Especially while playing sports. We decided to get him a pair of glasses with spring hinges and rubber temples, which won't be as fragile when they are hit. Will and I had a fun outing where we also did a little Christmas shopping. He was thoughtful and deliberate in selecting the gifts he wanted to buy. I was able to take just him because Anthony had taken a sick day. He has had a nasty virus this week which involves a sore throat, a lot of productive coughing and a fever that seems to spike at night.

November 29
We finally got around to decorating our Christmas tree Thursday after dinner. We got it from Costco on Monday night, but between Anthony being sick and me not wanting to put up the lights (my belly gets in the way!) it took us a few days to finally do it.

November 30

I guess it is finally time to document my belly. I am officially 27 weeks and about to enter the third trimester. For the most part this pregnancy is going very well. I have hit the stage where I wish I was about 6 inches taller and can't eat very much in one sitting. For the past few weeks I've had a lot of sciatic nerve pain, but this past week hasn't been nearly as bad. I am tired, but seem to have enough energy to get the things done I need to. We took this picture before heading out to a stake leadership Christmas party.

December 1
Will's basketball team--the Raptors--had their first basketball game Saturday. They played really well, especially considering they were down two players and they hadn't practiced together in two full weeks due to Thanksgiving break and the snow day. They lost by 2 points in overtime. I was so proud of their hustle and energy.

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