Saturday, November 3, 2018

20118 :: week 45

October 28
I thought the kids were looking really cute on Sunday so I had them pose for a picture as we walked into church. It is also worth noting that we were ten minutes early to church! We are usually on time, but rarely that early.

October 29
On Sunday evening we went for a post-dinner family walk. On our way home, Elliott tripped and smashed his face into the ground. He split his lip and bled all over the place. Luckily nothing was seriously injured, but he was uncomfortable and had a hard time sleeping. His lip got really fat, but the homemade popsicles Memaw made and brought over Monday really helped soothe the pain.

October 30
Lauren had her seven year old well child check-up Tuesday morning. She got a clean bill of health and a script for some very expensive topical oil to help with her eczema. It is so rewarding to see Lauren do so well after her failure to thrive and sick euthyroid issues as a baby.

October 31
Halloween! Finally! We invited several friends (Steiners, Meachams, Ules, Wilsons, Mansings, McFalls) over for a driveway party of hot dogs and chili before trick-or-treating. There ended up being a lot of 1st grade girls so at moments things were a little chaotic, but it was still lots of fun. Anthony bought a fire pit to keep us warm and he enjoyed burning our yard refuse throughout the night. Another fun Halloween season in the books!

November 1
Our sad news of the week is that one of Will's classmates (Drake) passed away over the weekend. It came as a complete shock and the OPC community has rallied together to support the family. On Thursday evening his Cub Scout leader organized a gathering to collect Halloween candy to donate to service men and women in honor of Drake. After a moment of silence the kids lined up to drop their candy into a big box and then sign a card. It has been a somewhat emotional week realizing how fast things can change and big reminder to make the moments you have with loved ones count.

November 2
Friday evening after we went to the visitation for Drake we hung out with the Mansings for a bit. Renee recently built a fire pit in their back yard and they are working to burn up a tree they cut down this summer. We roasted marshmallows and chatted about life before heading home and going to bed. We are so blessed to have such great family-oriented neighbors.

November 3
Saturday was a busy work day. Anthony and Will helped a family in our ward load their moving truck while Lauren, Elliott and I tidied up at home. In the afternoon we walked to the library, gave haircuts to the boys, and worked in the yard. In the evening we had dinner with the Githins. After a delicious dinner we played this fun Harry Potter card game.

1 comment:

Tina said...

So much to comment on here. Love that you bought a fire pit -- I think that will be fun to have (and a great way to get rid of yard waste!). So sad about Will's classmate. How did that happen -- an accident or sudden illness? You guys have so many friends because you are so friendly. And Lauren just keeps getting taller and older and cuter all the time!