Saturday, October 13, 2018

2018 :: week 42

October 7
We had a great day watching conference. In the afternoon we went to my parents house for a potluck dinner. Lauren and Tyler were very pleased with the BBQ beans. Our conference weekend was quiet and relaxing. We had planned on fitting in some yard work between the Saturday session, but the cold, rainy day forced us to stay inside and it was a nice change of pace.

October 8
On Monday afternoon Lauren and I walked home from the park together after school. I went to Will's parent-teacher conference and the boys were home with Anthony. Lauren played at the park with a few friends and their moms kept an eye on her for me. As we walked together hand in hand, she started singing and laughing and I just wanted to capture her sweet childhood innocence. The picture I got didn't quite capture the magic of the moment, but it was a moment I want to remember.

October 9
This has been the week of rain! I think we had rain five out of the seven days this week. On Tuesday it was only drizzling, so we were able to walk to school.

October 10
I took the kids up to the park after dinner Wednesday. Anthony had several meetings at the church and I wanted to get out of the house for as much of the evening as possible. Each kid brought the riding apparatus of their choice and we rode, scooted and propelled ourselves around the smooth surface of the tennis courts.

October 11
Thursday morning we pulled the kids out of school early--it was a half day anyway--to have the kids join me at my 20 week appointment. We found out that we will be having another BOY join our family in March of 2019! Lauren only cried for a minute. I was a little surprised too. We are mostly grateful that he is growing just as he should and all his vitals, measurements, etc. look great.

October 12
Friday we went out for an early dinner at Red Robin. We had a lot to celebrate! A healthy boy and great reports from both Will and Lauren's teachers about how well they are doing in school, both academically and socially. Getting close to the end of a particularly busy church month (Anthony had to go help with a massive move later that evening).

October 13

Saturday evening Anthony and I went to the wedding and ring ceremony of a family friend. Anthony officiated the ring ceremony. We had a nice evening. The reception was at Pinstripes and we were able to get in a few frames of bowling before we had to head home. It was nice to spend an evening together, it has been a pretty busy month.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Love the new look on your blog. And that candid picture of Lauren is priceless. Such a beautiful, carefree child! You guys must be great parents or something.