Sunday, September 30, 2018

2018 :: week 40

September 23
Sunday I got a substitute for nursery and drove to the stake center to get my temple recommend interview with a member of the Stake Presidency. When we got home I harvested a handful of cherry tomatoes from our garden. Our garden did not produce well this year due to the dry, hot temperatures we got in June and July. We've had more rain these past few weeks and we are finally getting a few.

September 24
Monday morning I went to the school district office to get fingerprinted. The school district implemented a new policy that requires all parents/adults that want to volunteer at the school or participate in school sponsored events (such as field trips or class parties) attend a training regarding appropriate behavior and submit to a background check. Part of the background check involves getting fingerprinted. To maintain control the district requires you to get fingerprinted in their office, which only has the capacity to fingerprint one person at a time. It takes approximately 5-10 minutes per person. The district only offers the service for about 15 hours a week on two days. On the days that fingerprinting is available parents end up waiting hours. In my opinion it has been a real boondoggle. We had to wait about 2.5 hours, but luckily a few fellow OPC moms were also there waiting to get fingerprinted too, which made the time pass much more pleasantly. Later in the week the school district approved an alternative way to provide training and background checks that doesn't involve fingerprinting at the district office. Of course! After school we played at the park, as usual. I enjoy watching my kids interact with their friends. Here Lauren was leading her friends in a game of some sort. She has some real leadership qualities. On Thursday I will join her class on their field trip to the Louisberg Cider Mill--the reason I spent almost three hours at the district office that morning.

September 25
Lauren practiced her spelling words via Spelling City Tuesday evening while I tidied up from dinner. As I looked over and watched her study I felt like I was playing house. Every once in awhile I have these moments where it is hard to believe I am actually a mom and I am responsible for the well being of other human beings. My life is far from perfect, but I feel very grateful for the simple moments like this.
September 26
Lauren had soccer practice Wednesday night. It was much cooler than last week, which made it much more pleasant. I love watching the girl's line up and do their drills each week.

September 27
Thursday I went to the Louisberg Cider Mill with the OPC first graders. Every time I go on a field trip I am reminded that elementary school teachers are vastly underpaid. The kids were pretty good, but it is a lot of work to keep 20+ 6 and 7 year olds entertained and on task. I have been on the tour a few times before, but it is always fun to see the way the apples are cleaned and then pressed into cider and to watch the doughnut making process. After we ate our doughnuts and drank our cider we rode on the tractor trailer to the play area. The kids ate a quick lunch and then jumped on the giant pillow and played in the giant bed of corn.

September 28
Practicing spelling with my kids is not my favorite thing to do. I'd much rather read with them. Spelling comes easily to Will, so I haven't had to do as much with him over the years, but Lauren needs a little more guidance. This week was the third week of both kids got all of their words correct! Spelling seems to be helping Lauren read better too.

September 29
Saturday morning was cool and a little damp. While Anthony and I debated whether or not it was worth it to go to the parade, Elliott kept asking when we were going to the parade. We decided to go for it and I am glad we did. Even though it was 48 degrees when we left the house, it warmed up quite a bit as soon as the clouds blew past and we had a great time. The last few years when we went to the Overland Park Fall Festival were hot! It's an election year so there was A LOT of candy. Elliott--and the other kids too--were in absolute heaven.

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