June 17 |
Sunday we celebrated Father's Day by having Tony home with us all morning! We made cinnamon rolls and played a few game. We are grateful to have such a great dad for our family. The kids adore him and he them.
June 18 |
The kids chose to go up to the park for our FHE activity Monday evening. Will and Anthony played catch while Elliott, Lauren and I went to the playground. Lauren worked on her monkey bar skills until her blisters popped and it became too painful to cross.
June 19 |
We've been going to nearby schools for the free lunches that are served a few days each week. My kids favorite meals are anything involving chicken--nuggets, strips or popcorn, cheeseburgers and corn dogs. The kids like to "cheers" each other with their milk and juice cartons. We usually run into a few friends when we go and I don't have to deal with lunch cleanup at home so it is a big win.
June 20 |
The kids continued their swimming lessons this week. I usually try to avoid the first session of lessons because the water is still a little cold, but with Cub Scout Day camp coming up as well as our trip to Idaho, the first session was the only one that would work. Will and Lauren worked hard and did a great job in their respective classes. They worked on swimming on their backs--airplane, chicken, soldier--treading water for three minutes, doing bobs in deep water, retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool without goggles and tuck dives.
June 21 |
It was an unusually cool week for June, and so we did many non-pool related activities this week. On Thursday evening we went to Civil War night at Mahaffie Farms and the kids "enlisted" in the Union Army. They learned some "battle marches," we listened to a brief lecture about Civil War weaponry, witnessed a cannon being fired, hauled water via a yoke and buckets for laundry, toured the house and got to pet several animals. It was a really fun night for our history-loving family. Other things we did this week were go to a $1 movie--Ninjago, visit the library multiple times, and playdates with friends.
June 22 |
Friday evening we wanted to take advantage of the gorgeous weather so we dined on pizza al fresco and took our scooters to the Riverfront Trails. We were able to go a lot farther than we have in the past because the weather was so nice and the older kids had their scooters. It rained several times earlier in the week and the currant was fast and river full of driftwood. Whenever we go by the Missouri River I am reminded of the scripture in D&C 121:33. It says, "How long can rolling waters remain unpure? What power shall stay the heavens? As well as might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri River in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of Latter-day Saints." Standing next to this great river it is painfully clear that God's power is so much greater than man's.
June 23 |
Saturday was full of various chores and obligations. In the afternoon we squeezed in a quick pool trip and saw several friends. Will and his friend Porter jumped off the diving boards together before we left to go home. That evening we went to a wedding reception.
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