November 5 |
Taking the nursery kids for a walk at the half way point is crucial to our success each week. We all enjoy a little change of scenery. The kids get to run around and burn some energy and the adults get to enjoy some wide open spaces. We typically have 8-12 kids in nursery each week. We first stop in the only section of the cultural hall that is not used during the second hour. We let the kids run for about five minutes. Sometimes we do ring-around-the-rosies, pretend we are animals or walk along the lines. Sometimes they just run back and forth. Then we walk to the water fountain and have the kids line up against the wall. Each one gets five seconds to drink. If the kids are behaving we head outside and walk halfway around the building to the door near our nursery room. The music leader is usually waiting for us when we get back. We get the snack ready while they sing. Then we have the snack and lesson. Breaking things up and getting some fresh air helps me maintain a positive attitude.
November 6 |
Emily called me Monday afternoon and asked if I could help her catch a mouse. She said she was with her boys in her bedroom and out of the corner of her eye she saw a mouse scurry past. Lauren and I headed over and Lauren and Tyler found the mouse under a hat in Tyler's room. Lauren was very pleased to be part of the solution.
November 7 |
This kid makes me smile. I love getting to spending my days with him. He is happy about 95% of the time.
November 8 |
We had gorgeous weather Wednesday and the kids and I stayed at the part for close to two hours after school. The kids ran around and played and I talked with mom friends. It was really nice to stop and enjoy the sunshine and fun company. Unfortunately, the days are getting so short the sun was close to setting by the time we got home!
November 9 |
Lauren now goes to bed half and hour before Will. She needs more sleep than him and has been struggling to wake up in the morning. This is a change she is not very excited about. To ease her into it Anthony and I have been taking turns reading with her to help her wind down and distract her from the fact that Will is not in bed. We have been reading the Cowboy Kate and Cocoa and Princess in Black books together. These books are a great fit for her and I'm enjoying sharing the time with her. The downside is it now feels like I am putting kids to bed for close to two hours from starting with Elliott to finishing with Will when Anthony is not home.
November 10 |
Friday night we headed to OPC for the annual fall movie night in the cafeteria. The kids and Anthony watched Free Birds and mingled with friends. I worked the concessions and gained a greater appreciation for the individuals who run the real movie theatre concessions. Making popcorn without burning it is no easy task! Scooping it quickly is harder than it looks too!
November 11 |
We had a full, fun Saturday. In the morning the older kids had the primary program practice. Anthony, Elliott and I ran some errands while they practiced. Then, Lauren and Anthony fit in a date to see the My Little Ponies Movie while Will and I did some housework and did other quiet activities around the house. Will's friend Trevor came over to play for awhile. They had hoped to play some basketball, but it ended up raining all afternoon. That evening I made some yummy copycat zupa toscana and we got ready for bed.
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