September 10 |
Tony had the YM and YW over for a BYD Sunday evening. They talked about agency and the kids seemed to have a pretty good time. Will, Elliott and I went for a walk during the discussion, but Lauren chose to stay and participate. The kids really like it when "the youth" come over.
September 11 |
Our Monday got off to a great start. I went for a walk with Will before we got ready for school, went to the gym, did three loads of laundry and attended the Lackman Library toddler story time all before lunch. We planned to meet Stephanie and Kendall and Emily, Tyler and Mikey at the library, but ran into some other friends too. That afternoon we made some cookies to share with friends for FHE and then went and had a really fun time at the park together. I feel like having a productive Monday is the key to a productive week. I'm not always this productive, and it felt good to get the week off to a great start. Especially since I went to bed with a headache that night.
September 12 |
I woke up with an even worse headache Tuesday morning. Anthony walked the kids to school for me and Elliott and I lounged around the house all morning. I took some migraine medicine that enabled me to meet my friend Elena for lunch, but then I laid down again while Elliott napped in the afternoon.
September 13 |
I pretty much had a headache for the rest of the week. I started taking a decongestant late Tuesday that made a difference Wednesday. Elliott and I visited Anthony at work and talked with the health insurance representative. I spent some time going through piles of papers, filing things that need to be filed, taking care of unfinished business and getting rid of things that need to be thrown away. I often take pictures of the kids drawings and this BYU-themed drawing Will drew this week made me smile. I especially like the way he drew himself with spiky hair and headphones and the random salt shaker on the top left.
September 14 |
Elliott and I met Tyler and company at the park before his 2 year check-up Thursday. Elliott has a lot of fun playing with Ty Guy. Elliott weighed in at 22 pounds which puts him in the 2 percentile for weight. We are going to work on getting him "quality calories" this month.
September 15 |
Will walks from his classroom to Lauren's to pick her up each day. It makes me smile when I see them walking down the hill together. They stay up late and talk about what's happening at school. Mutual friends, the troublemakers at recess, library drama, etc. I'm glad they have each other and love their growing friendship.
September 16 |
Our ward organized a service project at an independent living facility in Lenexa. Anthony, Will and I got to help a couple pick up the apples that had fallen in their yard, clean of their patio and get their garden and flowerbeds ready for fall. The highlight for Will was riding on the back of the golf cart to take the debris to the dumpster.
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