Tuesday, March 28, 2017

2017 :: week 12

March 19
Sunday evening I finished reading a book while Anthony drafted a fantasy baseball team. I feel like Anthony and I have spent several evenings like this over the course of our relationship. It's nice to know that even though our lives and responsibilities have evolved over the years, we are still the same people we were when we started dating almost 12 years ago.

March 20
Sometimes life hits you with a perfect storm. Monday was hot (80+ degrees!) and also free cone day at Dairy Queen. Tabitha and I decided to take our kids for an after school snack. While we were driving there we saw a large cloud of smoke that didn't look to be very far away. It turns out there was a huge fire at an apartment complex that was under construction a few miles away. We later learned that the fire was accidental and it was caused by from combustion from the welding. In the meantime, every adult at DQ had their phone out trying to figure out what was going on. In the thirty minutes we were there we saw and heard Fire Engines from Lenexa and Olathe drive by. The kids had A LOT of questions about fire and had a very hard time sleeping that night.

March 21
Elliott loves to ride in his little push-car to meet Will as he walks home from school. Lauren is so great about helping, she really looks out for her little bro.

March 22
One time when I was taking the trash out Elliott was upset and I lifted him on top and gave him a ride to distract him from whatever was bothering him. Since then, without fail, every time he sees me touching one of our trash receptacles he insists on getting a ride.

March 23
Thursday evening was our Relief Society celebrated the 175th anniversary of the Relief Society. As the counselor over activities, I was heavily involved in the prep work and execution of this event. We held a service exchange that most everyone enjoyed. Tay is going to make us an enchilada dinner and I am going to do 2 hours of yard work for my mom. Yes, my own mother ended up with my offering. ;)

March 24
Emilee sent me this picture she took of Elliott and Berkley while she watched our kids Friday evening. Elliott and Berk have gotten to be pretty good little friends and seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company. Anthony and I ate dinner and ran some errands. We had a busy Saturday ahead of us so even though it wasn't the most "exciting" date night, it was nice to get the weekend off to a productive start.

March 25
Saturday morning I helped a friend throw a baby shower for a girl from church who ended up having her baby that very morning! We went ahead and had the shower as all the food, etc. was ready to go, but will have a luncheon with her at some point in the next few weeks. Anthony and I took the kids to a Lumiere Lego Build at Toys R Us, then visited the pet store located next door. Elliott loves the pet store! I ran some more errands and then went to the General Women's Meeting for church that night. I felt very uplifted, and had some thoughts that I hope will guide me as I try to live a balanced and purposeful life.


Meredith said...

I love the picture of Lauren pushing Elliott!

Laura said...

I have the same thoughts as Meredith. That picture of Elliott and Lauren is very fun. Looks like a good week!

Susan said...

Been enjoying catching up on your life. Sounds like it's been a pretty good spring so far! Minus the whole strep thing. :(