Saturday, September 10, 2016

2016 :: week 34

August 21
Sunday we had Stake Conference. It was nice to have Anthony around to help with Elliott. He is so squirmy! Once again Will really sang out during the intermediate hymn. Anthony had planned on having a BYD at our house that evening, but cancelled it after he was drank a weeks worth of miralax as soon as we got home. The miralax/gatorade concoction was part of his colonoscopy prep.

August 22
Anthony has a family history of colon cancer on both his mother's and father's sides. When talking with his doctor they decided he ought to have a colonoscopy this year, even though he is much younger than the standard recommended age. The rumors are true, the prep is quite unpleasant. After a very long wait Monday morning he received the procedure. I had my doubts about how necessary it was for him to get a colonoscopy, but it turns out he did have two polyps.

August 23
This little guy keeps me on my toes, he is such an explorer now and enjoying getting into everything. Every. Thing. I can't leave him unattended for long before he starts making messes. He really likes getting into our pantry and emptying out as many paper products and can as he can get his little hands on. The pantry is one of his favorite places to explore, which really complicates things when I'm cooking.
August 24
We call this Elliott's yoga pose. He puts himself in this position all the time. He clearly enjoys it because he always smiles if you catch his eye. Will and Lauren are in the background playing in the sand. In previous years we still made it to the pool pretty regularly after school started and the hours changed. This year it was a lot harder, and we didn't get there quite as often, but we had fun when we did.
August 25
Will had been dreading his yearly eye appointment for months. I was dreading it too. But it was awesome! Will has really matured a lot recently. In the days leading up to the appointment he was anxious about the drops, but when the time came he handled them like a champ. The nurse, resident and doctor were all complimentary of him and how diligent he is about wearing his glasses.

August 26
Friday was our tenth anniversary! Ten years seems both long and short. Will gathered some pretty flowers from our yard as a gift to us. We grilled some chicken for dinner and planned to go out on a date Saturday to commemorate the occasion. Anthony spent a few hours helping a family in our ward move in the early evening and I stopped by a GNO my friend Bethany planned. We ended the day eating ice cream together and watching a portion of the ESPN documentary OJ: Made in America while it poured rain outside.

August 27
Saturday was a busy day. Anthony went and helped with another move that ended up taking the entire morning. My parents watched our kids and we went to Houlihan's for an early dinner. It was our first there and our food was great. We enjoyed visiting with each other, something we don't get to do in person as often as I would like. I jokingly asked Anthony if he ever imagined we'd be going on out to celebrate our 10th anniversary in a mini-van and he just smiled and said there is nothing he would rather drive. I'm grateful to be married to a man that isn't concerned about status or toys and is willing to spend his limited free time helping others. We've come a long way this past ten years, and I can't wait to see what we accomplish in the next ten!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Glad his eye appointment went so well. You can tell Will that I had an eye appointment this week as well, and it went pretty well as well!