July 31 |
Sunday evening we took a walk to Burbank Elementary School, where all six John kids went to school. Elliott mastered climbing up the stairs while we were there. When he reached the top we helped him go down the slide by himself for the first time too (on his belly). He loved it! I could listen to Elliott's joyful, happy laugh all day long.
August 1 |
Monday was a busy day. In the morning we drove down to Providence and visited the Roger Williams Park Zoo. That evening we went to Castle Island Park (located in South Boston on the shore of Boston Harbor). We wadded in the water and the kids played in the sand. Then we ate dinner and walked around the fort. It was a perfectly pleasant evening. I often forget that Anthony grew up close to the ocean, and I was fascinated by water, ships and picturesque vistas.
August 2 |
Tuesday was our last full day in Boston. We said goodbye to Anthony and he flew to Kentucky for work. Carly and I took the four older kids to the Boston Science Museum while Tina and Doug watched Millie and Elliott. Without the little kids we were able to last over three hours! There are so many cool things to do in the museum, our favorites included the light house (above), electric show, running in the park, and creating pictures with magnetic beads. At Carly's suggestion, we bought
AMSE family passes for $40. Our memberships got us in to this museum as well as the Children's Museum on Friday for free. Without it the cost of the Science Museum alone would have been $65 for me and my two kids! If you are going to do any traveling and are interested in visiting a facility on
this list, you should get one.
August 3 |
We did a lot on this trip! Wednesday morning before we flew out we went into Boston to visit the Boston Public Garden and also the Common. We stopped and took some cousin pictures at the
Make Way for Ducklings statues, rode the Swan Boats, then walked over the Frog Pond and water fixtures at the Tadpole Playground. We flew home that afternoon and our flight was rather uneventful until I didn't have gum during landing and Lauren got very upset with me.
August 4 |
Our first morning back was pretty quiet. I put the kids to bed at 7:30pm the night before (8:30pm Boston time), and told them they couldn't get out of bed until 8am. They both slept in until almost 8:30am! I tidied up from the trip, did laundry, sorted mail and paid bills while the kids played quietly. I caught Will helping Lauren with a 'hidden picture" puzzle in the
Friend magazine. I love it when my kids get along well, are patient with each other and help each other out.
August 5 |
We harvested the first two tomatoes from our garden! We planted our garden a bit late (early June), so we've been anxiously waiting for our vegetables to ripen. Anthony grilled some burgers to perfection for dinner, and the juicy tomatoes were the perfect addition.
August 6 |
Our neighborhood pool closes this weekend. I'm always so sad when it does. This pool is holds so many happy memories for me. We spend a lot of time here every summer, and this summer has been especially fun. We see friends most every time we come and the kids have gotten to be such great swimmers. Thanks for a great 2016 pool season, Bluejacket!