Tuesday, January 13, 2015

first snow!

The day after Will's birthday (Dec 18th) we got our first snow of the season. I had a lengthy list of things I wanted to get done that day, but because I was hosting book club that night I decided shoveling the driveway should be at the top of my list.

The kids were quite pleased when I suggested we venture outside and clean the driveway. They usually have to convince me to come outside and play in the snow. I bought their snowgear a size up two years ago and thankfully it mostly still fit. Poor Will outgrew his boots and had to wear his regular sneakers. I'm still looking for a pair at a good price. Luckily it hasn't really snowed again.

It was pretty easy to shovel the snow and we made good time. Lauren waited until we had about half the driveway clean, then she brought out various bikes as Will and I continued to chip away at the snow.

After shoveling Will and I built a small snowman. This snow was great for packing. Unfortunately, we still had a fair amount of leaves on the yard before the snow fell that rolled up on the snowballs, so our snowman looked dirty. (We even spent several hours earlier in the week raking leaves!) We used blueberries for the eyes and a carrot for the nose. When I went inside to get them I also grabbed Will's Royals hat and we added his glasses to complete the our Snowman Willy.

We couldn't go back inside until after we had a quick snowball fight. Will was adamant about it. In his mind snow = snowball fights and snowmen.

When Anthony got home from work he took the kids outside and they built another snowman. This time in our neighbors' yard. They had left town for the holidays and had fewer leaves in their yard. Even though at the time I found it inconvenient, I'm glad we took the time to get out and enjoy it. It's now almost a month later and we haven't had a snowfall to match it. I can be a grinch about winter weather, but even I can admit that it's fun to get out and play when in the snows.


Holly said...

Having good snow gear makes all the difference! Hope you find some good boots soon!

Mitzi said...

I love snowman willy!