August 31 |
Now that the weather is cooling off we've started going on more walks in the evening. Watching Lauren run stresses me out. With every step she takes it looks like she is about to trip and fall. She barely lifts her legs off the ground. It's only a matter of time.
September 1 |
Monday morning our ward had its annual Labor Day picnic. Anthony brought a bat and ball, and as soon as he and Will started playing kids came over and started to play with them. I took this picture when things were just getting started. Will told us that it was the best Labor Day picnic ever. Everything is a best or worst. Not a lot of middle ground in his life.
September 2 |
Will had an eye appointment Tuesday and had to get his eyes dilated, which he had been dreading for days. His eyes have improved in the past year since he started wearing glasses. His prescription has changed slightly, and will be getting a new pair of glasses in the next week.
September 3 |
Wednesday was a stressful day for me for a variety of reasons: we found out we had to replace our furnace, Anthony was in DC, it was really hot, and the kids were super whiny to name a few. After dinner I couldn't take it anymore and told the kids we were going outside until bedtime. We pulled some weeds, played with sidewalk chalk and rode bikes.
September 4 |
Sometimes I have to bribe/reward the kids to get what I want. Thursday I really wanted to go to the gym and I wanted it to go smoothly. Often when we go one or both of the kids complains about having to go in the first place, not getting to swim or not playing in the explorer room long enough. After I worked out and picked them up from the child watch I set the timer on my phone and told them if they left when it was time to go without complaining I'd give them an applesauce. I didn't have much faith that they would comply, but they actually did!
September 5 |
Will is getting increasingly independent. Though they aren't too fancy, he makes a pretty good PB&J.
September 6 |
Saturday morning got off to a rough start. I had a hard time falling asleep the night before so I was groggy and slept in later than I usually do. When I checked my email I realized Will had purchased a season of
Caillou on amazon prime for $24.99. Anthony came to the rescue, called the customer support line, and got our money back. We needed to get out of the house so we headed to the Lenexa Spinach Festival. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Will "fished," as he has for the past several years...but this year he actually caught something!
I don't call applesauce a "bribe" I call it positive reinforcement! Sorry for all the bad luck lately with things breaking, and hopefully the worst is behind you. The nice thing about summer is that you CAN go outside and let everyone relax (that's what makes the winter so hard!) Love your kiddos!
I feel the same way when I watch Audrey run. It is cute though!
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